I'm happiest as me. I've tried to learn certain typical behaviors, and sometimes, not always, both doing them and seeing them work can make me happy. There is definitely a down side, but other people have already been expressing that. It's there for me, too. Up side, since it requires an effort, we do get to (and have to) choose where to put that effort. Not everything typical needs to hurt. There are a few things where that lack of genuineness in the moment can allow for more genuine kindness, like I act NT by not responding to someone's nastiness sometimes and saying something that distracts from misery, saying to have a good day without sarcasm, etc. and it's probably never perfectly typical, but sometimes it turns out to really soothe someone who is suffering to act the way I think is more typical in a given situation, though granted still may not appear perfectly typical, but point being, I'm choosing to act how I think is typical by not being so perfectly direct in the face of someone else's unhappiness or need. Just how I see the other side of it. I do suffer plenty as people are describing from how much effort it can be, most of the time, to act NT, but just saying it makes me happy when I can add to the world some kindness and love I don't get enough of.