Kwstar wrote:
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone else here gets extreme anxiety over things like sitting in the same seat in class or having to sit in a corner or against a wall in public places? I know this is silly but sometimes I get so upset over not sitting in the same seat that I'll have to hold back tears.
If you do experience this any suggestions,telling myself it's not a big deal doesn't help the feeling
I have so many "small things" that i neet to do on my own way to make it work.
For example i need to get on my class room one hour before it starts just to make sure no one sits on "my seat", because if i can't sit there even focus on the lesson is almost impossible for me. The same happens with the bus that i take at the same hour every day. If i lose it because i'm late it looks like everything else in my day will get out of control.