quaker wrote:
Hi eggheadjr
I'm the same age as you and we also share
the same issue with respect to women.
I know many right brained dominant men
with autism who would really give Simon
B Cohen a run for his money. The masculine
concept of autism is a sooooooooooo
last decade.
I'm right brain dominant as well - I wonder if that has anything to do with it.
Even though I'm right brian dominant I'm an engineer, and a fairly successful one (was always good in math - especially geometry as I'm a visual thinker). I think my success comes from being able to see the soultions all the left brain dominant engineers can't. They tell me I'm innovative - and I usually end up telling them they can't see the obvious solution that's right in front of them.
While they're busy looking at the trees, I'm the one saying "Ummm, do you realize the forest is on fire...?"
Diagnosed Asperger's