I tend to push people away--to disassociate myself from others. I am an introverted, hermit type of person. I find prolonged contact with others to be too uncomfortable. I spent most of my life living with relatives that I didn't get along with. I am much happier and much less stressed now that I am living alone. However, it did take a little getting used to, once I was finally on my own, even though I have always been a solitary type of person. I was just used to having people around the house, for decades of my life, so living in a quiet, solo environment was somewhat strange for a while. For weeks after I started living alone, I would sleep with music on every night, but I eventually got used to being alone. The calmer environment of solo living is much nicer than what things were like when I had to live with relatives, so I don't regret the move.
I do sympathize with your situation, though. I suggest you develop some new interests to keep yourself occupied. This will help you deal with the separation better. Also, remember, you can still maintain contact with your sister, and later on your brother, by phone, email, social sites, and yes,--GASP!--snail mail. And don't forge3t! You can spend more time here at WP when you are feeling lonely for your sister!
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away.--Henry David Thoreau