I was just having the same thoughts yesterday and I thought, if I were speaking to someone, "This might be easier to live with if it didn't leave so many scars." It is so, so painful, the stuff in the past. I am so much better socially now in many situations than I was even 2 years ago and I am 29, but that doesn't mean the neurology has changed, I've just adapted. However, the "obsessional" activities, the sensory stuff, the tendency to be "in my own world", the emotional control issues, the need for quiet and isolation, the OCD and anxiety, the depression, the perfectionism and need for sameness and predictability will always be there. And so much more relational things that I don't want to or can't write about now because my brain is tired. And it all gets much worse with change and stress. It always comes back to bite me. I am "mildly" affected and am a girl. I put mildly in quotes because I am trying to avoid using the high- or low-functioning labels incorrectly or at all as I find them both to be demeaning and limiting and promoting of stereotypes. I simply want to stress that the way this affects me isn't as much as some others here and I wish not to disrespect their experiences. I am not saying that mild Asperger's isn't very serious either because it is.
RDOS Aspie Score: 145 or 144/200 Aspie, 68 or 57/200 NT
Defies categorization. A mixed bag.