Facebook and the newspaper
Do you guys sometimes get overwhelmed/meltdown when you read people's facebook posts or the newspaper? I find that I keep going back to reading facebook posts even though I often can't handle what people say (even when they don't intend for it to be harmful). My natural inclination is to almost completely avoid facebook.
Yep, I'm addicted to FB. I tend to read communication from friends (and girls I like) over and over again to plot my next move (ie what to say to get them to like me) or what to say when I'm paranoid that they are upset with me.
Or if a girl I like posts something I have to purposely unfollow them, yet I still end up seeing it and thinking about them. And I often end up overwhelmed and posting about my feelings. (Not specifically toward them, but I often post feelings when angry or upset)
I love fb and hate it but it would be better for me if God would just delete my account for me. Or make it appear like girls I like never post anything.
The rain came pourin' down, and when I drowned,
was when I could finally breathe,
and by mornin', gone was any trace of you,
now I think I am finally clean. #Dat Angst
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I no longer let friends post anything on my page or follow them, and the only things I ever post are my cartoons, photos of my crafts and screenshots from video games. I do allow postings of pictures and videos of kitties, Peanuts and Garfield comics, and other things I like to make my page a "save haven" from the world.
I've heard of "facebook". What is it?
Joking aside; I used to have an account there, but there was just so much crap on fb that I closed my account several years ago. I miss facebook about as much as I miss a fungal foot infection. What is the fascination with fb?
I've left WP indefinitely.
I think I understand how you feel, I used to have unhealthy thoughts when reading through social media sites about what I could post that would make everyone think I was really smart and cool, I still get a bit queasy browsing through sometimes. But I think it's a bad way to make friends with people to always be trying to get their approval. I started off from a place of not being totally aware of other people and how my actions might be perceived by them and slowly started to become hyperaware that there was a problem with how I interacted with people but I wasn't totally sure what it was that was wrong, so I reacted in the other direction by trying to be what it was I thought the people I was interacting with would like. But that didn't really work for me either.
My running theory is that social interaction is a bit like writing an essay. You can write a poorly presented essay about the growth and development of House music, full of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors, and then see someone write a nicely presented and rhetorically powerful essay about saving the rainforest, trying to act in a way that you think will get people to like you is like then changing the subject of your essay to saving the rainforest. A part of the power of the essay might reside in the subject matter itself (Deforestation is more of a pressing issue than the state of dance music), but that doesn't mean you can't clear up some of our grammar or spelling errors and write a nicely presented essay on the subject of the development of House music. I think social skills and making friends are more comparable to the presentation of the essay than the subject, little presentational skills like smiling and facing people can be more important than knowing exactly what to say to push all of their buttons.
That's kind of rambling and maybe not helpful at all but it was in my head wanting to get out.
In terms of social media it helps to take deep breaths, and maybe look away from the screen and do something else, then come back and reread anything you write before you send it. It helps you avoid posting things you'll regret later.
Most young people have it and chat with friends or plan events over it. It helps to keep in touch with friends who are living some distance away and you can see a face and a name which for me makes it less stressful than texting.
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Not really, don't spend much time on facebook...my main problem with it is finding it boring or wanting more people to see when I post status updates but in order for that I'd probably have to post more regularly. As for the newspaper I sometimes see stuff that upsets me or makes me angry, same as watching the news though at least with the newspaper I can stay at my own pace sometimes with news on t.v you have no time to prepare and they just hit you with something you may not be in the mood to hear about....especially if you have PTSD and its something that reminds you of that trauma.
We won't go back.
i had FB for a few years. i stopped using it around august last year. i didn't deactivate it or delete it, just abandoned it. i felt really weird just leaving all these embarrassing posts and pics for the public to see so i deactivated it in...march, i think? it was a huge relief.
i still went occasionally to save some pictured but i closed it right afterwards.
i didn't like it for all the typical reasons, was sick and tired of seeing the stupid posts and arguments of people i never even knew, being tagged in pictured i hated, seeing other peoples posts about their so wonderful lives and feeling inferior, and, what we all know and love, "scroll if you worship Satan, like for Jesus" s**t that was everywhere. i blocked a few people because of that, they kept showing up on my feed.
i guess there's one thing i miss, i used to see my LO only at school, when we hung out and hardly ever after she transferred, and we chatted on Facebook for hours. that's what i miss, i think. also the good FB pages with original content.
for the newspaper...it's good, but my local newspaper was under a bit of hot water a few years back.
it gets smaller every year.
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