I feel as though I have a terrible short-term memory, and I am not really sure why. I forget where I left things, I forget what people said, I forget appointments, what day it is, names, numbers, random information, everything. It's even when I am on the ADD medication, so I don't know what my problem is. I also seem to have gotten worse at reading and writing; I read more slowly, reading out loud is more difficult, I misspell words much more frequently (often the same words, I switch letters around and can't see what's wrong with it, even comparing the right spelling they look the same), I occasionally skip a word or line while reading, etc. The words I misspell are usually the same exact ones, they often have double consonants or two different vowels next to each other, and I will switch them, or leave out the double, or put too many of a certain letter (this is usually while typing, I don't hand-write much so I'm not sure if that would be different). Sometimes while reading, I can even read a word that's on a different part of the page mid-sentence and not know where I got it from.
ADD might be an explanation (I'm still not sure if I have it), but it seems that even when I'm on the medication and it seems to be working (it doesn't work if I didn't get enough sleep), it doesn't help any of these things much. I can tell it's working because I feel like my mind is clear, my ability and speed of analysis increases quite significantly, and I become more articulate and formal when speaking. I do feel pretty devoid of emotion and expression when I'm on it, but I don't mind that; in fact, I actually kind of prefer it, because I feel like the emotions cloud my judgement and don't serve a real purpose for me anyway. I also feel a bit more withdrawn than usual, simply out of a desire to delve into my own thoughts, and I may end up pretty unaware of my surroundings. And like I said, I remain pretty much the same with everything else.
It worries me a bit because I don't think I ever had this much trouble with these things, and I don't know what the cause of it is. It doesn't seem to be ADD, and I don't see how it could be my Asperger's because it seems to be more recent development (the past 2-3 years or so). However, I did have a really horrible time those past few years (due to severe depression), so maybe that is part of it, but I don't feel as bad recently (past 3 months).
"It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important."
- Sherlock Holmes