skibum wrote:
nerdygirl wrote:
There are a lot of websites that help you to identify and understand body language. Do a search. They are very helpful!
Oh my goodness, I looked at a body language identification site once and for the first time in my life I realized how little I actually know about it. I thought, "Is this serious? People can't possibly read all of this out of these positions. This can't be real." Then I asked a friend if people really do read all that stuff and and she actually said "yes". I had always thought I was pretty good at body language and it was a real shock to realize that I am am not very good at it at all! And the funny part is that I had to turn that site off and I never looked at it again because I was getting completely overwhelmed from just looking at it.
I have become overwhelmed looking at body language sites, too. Now, I only look up a specific communication that I noticed that I want to get more information about.
I used to think I did OK with reading body language as well, but I also realized I don't. I am OK with reading it when I can observe people, but once I am "in" the conversation, I cannot process anything I am taking in - I can only think about what I am trying to say. I also learned that I was sending off body language communication that I didn't want to send!
And even if I can understand the body language, that doesn't mean I know what to do with it. I still get a "deer in the headlights" reaction if I find myself in a social situation I wasn't expecting.