I always seemed to be about 2 years behind in physical development over the rest of the kids in my school when it came to size and strength. I was always quite nimble, and still am, but just not very strong. This made me a target for bulleying, especially since my gross motor skills were, and still are terrible, resulting in me being bad at sports.
Today, I am still a small person, at only 32 years old, I only weight 135 pounds. For clothing, I must either buy kids clothes, or women's clothes (that look like men's) I am in the best of shape that I have been my entire life, and can run long distances, or bike long distances very well. It's a great escape for me too. My upper body, and likewise, my chest size is finally getting to that of an average male now. One of the remarkable things is that I can now do about 12 pull-ups. I remember in school, I couldn't do even one! It's sort of cool now because many of the people that were always better at physical stuff are now beginning to loose their strength with age, and my own is continuing to get better, and I am now finally surpassing them in many physical challenges.
Quite the contrary, my fine motor skills have always been excellent. I have been good with soldering tiny components in electronics, and working with my hands around my vehicles and such. This may even come from the fact that even to this day, I have a habit of holding things in my hand and twisting/rotating them, like a pen, screwdriver, or anthing really. If it's in my hands, I'm gonna roll it through my fingers!