I dunno. I'm just me. I'm female and I'm married to a man and I act how I act. I cuddle my kids and hate to be hugged by anyone else except my husband, and I hate "girl's night out" and I like shoes and I don't like shopping. I don't understand why women act the way they do and then I catch myself acting like one sometimes. I think. I hate what I consider "chick flicks" but my husband has noted that I have certain undoubted favorite ones of my own. None of them have or ever will star Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock, but many of them are historical works or in black-and-white.
What is androgynous is largely established by culture and its reactions to common human traits and inclinations. Yes, certain qualities can be frequently attributed to an individual sex, but to define all traits possessed by all persons in any one group based upon one common quality they share is the definition of unfair prejudice. Do we, in our frequent failure to meet the superficial, common, and expected standards of male or female come across as sexually conflicted? Yeah, because people see what they understand and don't appreciate being expected to give more time than they are willing to offer to assess what they see. So they see me, a dowdy housewife who always frowns and is always snapping at her kids to hurry, when what is really here is, well, a dowdy housewife who is thinking of something funny while frowning but really wants to get out of the crowd at school and go buy icees and knows her kids need to be told 100 times.
On the note I mentioned of not wanting to give time to assess what is seen, they also like to categorize as being stupid or difficult those who can't or won't make fast judgments. I'm getting pretty sick of being weird and boyish to the women and ditzy and blonde to the men.
"Pack up my head, I'm goin' to Paris!" - P.W.
The world loves diversity... as long as it's pretty, makes them look smart and doesn't put them out in any way.
There's the road, and the road less traveled, and then there's MY road.