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20 Sep 2014, 8:02 pm

I am wondering, because I always seem to find a lot of things funny that others don't. Many things that make me laugh don't even seem to affect others, unless they are commenting on how weird it is.

Most of the stuff I seem to find funny is ridiculous, silly or insane, and that's why it is funny to me. It is just so preposterous that I can't help laughing. Maybe it is because I am so logical that when my mind can't process the craziness of it, it becomes funny to me. I watch a lot of crazy nonsensical YouTube videos which I find hilarious, but if I show them to others they either say, "That wasn't that funny," or, "You're so weird." Now I usually keep my ridiculous videos to myself.

I also like wordplay and puns. But I always seem to be the one person who takes like 3 full seconds to process a pun or similar joke, and then I only start laughing after everyone has already made the connection, reacted, and moved on to something else. There was one time that a teacher made a joke like this, and then soon after handed out a quiz. The whole time during the quiz, everyone was silent, and I kept remembering the joke. I was trying so hard not to laugh, but for some reason that I couldn't understand it was really hilarious and I would start laughing again. It was so flipping awkward, especially because I'm pretty sure they knew why I was laughing and it wasn't even very funny to them.

I do find some of the more popular type of jokes funny too, but only certain ones. I don't really like movies like "The Hangover", which a lot of NTs seem to find hilarious. I guess I can find some parts to be funny, but not really. I think what I don't like about a lot of NT humor is that it tries to make something that is stupid or over exaggerated seem believable. If it was clearly ridiculous and meant to be that way, I think I'd find it more funny, but when they try to apply it to real situations is when it annoys me.

Edit: Now that I think about it, I guess I don't find all puns and wordplay to be funny, but I don't really know what decides whether I think it is funny or not.

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20 Sep 2014, 8:18 pm

Things that I hate- Prepubescent boy humor, potty humor, anything too facetious

My humor is mostly ironic humor or anything that can be issued with no expression, a cold tone, and tends to come off as a snide remark.


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20 Sep 2014, 9:11 pm

i love "the daily show".

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20 Sep 2014, 10:15 pm

Most of my humor is based on references. My favorite show is Futurama, which is filled with reference jokes. I also like a lot of the witty absurdity of that show. It has more typical humor, but that's not the humor I find funny in the show. I also like The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy for similar reasons.

I can't stand movies like The Hangover. I don't see how it is funny..


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20 Sep 2014, 10:57 pm

Ha been told it's offbeat, dry, dark, smartass....


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20 Sep 2014, 11:01 pm

Mine is witty and often cute or sweet. Only problem is a lot of the time I don't think of it in time. Like I may have a really witty or cute response to something but it might be two days after the fact! :D

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20 Sep 2014, 11:31 pm

Dry and intelligent, a lot of people don't get my jokes although the right people do. My humor has got me in trouble many times.


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21 Sep 2014, 2:49 am

I don't know what my sense of humor is like. Is that weird? I mean, I know some things I think are funny but I still don't really know what my sense of humor is like. I do know that I often don't find other people's jokes funny and I often think they're unrealistic and/or illogical (which I sometimes point out).


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21 Sep 2014, 3:12 am

I like dark humour, satire and like intelligent humour(sometimes with irony) that gets you thinking....not sure the last one is a specific catagory but best way I could describe it. And of course animals doing funny things is always great.

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21 Sep 2014, 4:03 am

I have a dry sense of humour.

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21 Sep 2014, 4:44 am

I've been told that I have a dark, dry and surreal sense of humour like how a lot of British people are said to have. But I usually don't intend to make people laugh. I usually say stuff out of confusion or shock and people laugh.


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21 Sep 2014, 4:56 am

Nathan Poe is my middle name.


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21 Sep 2014, 4:56 am

Hm... I never really thought about it until reading these replies, but I guess my own jokes are often dry and sarcastic, I just don't actually say them much because people think I'm being rude, or they just don't think it's funny. Like at work, I overlooked a spot while washing, and when a supervisor pointed it out to me I said with a straight face, "Of course, I was just testing if you'd notice." I guess he thought I was completely serious because he said something about how he has been there for years, and he seemed confused :roll:

But I still like crazy stuff a lot too, as in I laugh at crazy stuff a lot; I don't come up with things like that much myself unless I'm in a weird mood. It's only funny if it is meant to be totally ridiculous, though, and not made to seem real in some way. Humor like that is very annoying to me.

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21 Sep 2014, 8:11 am

Dry, dark, caustic, sarcastic, ironic. I'm a master at these, though it often leads me to trouble so I do the best I can to keep it to myself.

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21 Sep 2014, 1:53 pm

I laugh at a lot of inappropriate stuff. Use your imagination.

I also laugh at people making mistakes.

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21 Sep 2014, 3:29 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
I like dark humour, satire and like intelligent humour(sometimes with irony) that gets you thinking....not sure the last one is a specific catagory but best way I could describe it. And of course animals doing funny things is always great.

Yes, I also like dark humour and satire. I like the humor in black comedies like Crime and Punishment.