When I was younger I was definitely drawn to water, though nowadays I wouldn't say I'm as drawn to it. I enjoy a nice long shower, and I also like sitting in a hot tub or a steam room or sauna, but I'm not a terribly big fan of swimming.
Truth be told, when I was really young I had a few incidents where I came close to drowning, and this freaked out my mother to the point that I actually developed a fear of drowning, and this kept me from learning how to swim for many years. I eventually got over this when I was 9-10ish, and I remember taking a few swimming lessons, but an encounter I had with the diving board at the local pool scared the living crap out of me, and made me lose interest in the lessons. Later, I kind of rediscovered how to swim on my own, and for a few years I actually enjoyed it somewhat. I even got over my fear of the diving board when I was about 15, though I think I may have made a successful jump off of it when I was 13-14. Better late than never, and if I were at a pool right now, I'd probably give it another go. Over the last few years though, my swimming skills have kind of atrophied. I used to be able to tread water, but now I don't think I can. I'm OK if I keep moving, but I can't keep myself in one spot.