There's a kid at my school, a couple of years or so below me. He's super quiet and I guess shy, too. I've only ever heard him speak once and he always has this piece of technology with him, like a miniature laptop but ultra tiny, even smaller than a netbook or a notebook computer and is alone most of the time. He even has it with him at meal times (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and is always focused on it intensely, so is by himself then too.
Today, I worked up the courage to approach him to ask him what it was out of curiosity because I'd never seen anything like the piece of technology that he had before and tapped him to ask him what it was. When he turned around and I asked him what it was in sign language (I attend a boarding school for the deaf where most of the students can speak British Sign Language and I usually can't speak using my voice to people that I've never spoken to before), he legged it as fast as he could to the other end of the corridor and didn't take his eyes off me. He backed away even more when I stepped away and signed to him that I was sorry, and wouldn't stop staring at me until I was a good distance away from him. My anxiety levels shot up and spent most of the rest of the day with my hearing aids turned off, not speaking and stimming afterwards. I'm feeling a bit calmer now but I'm playing a song on repeat.
I don't know why he did that, whether it's down to my own actions, the way he is (it might be to do with cultural background - he's Japanese and can speak English - but I'm not too sure) or both. He's also bigger than me. Though, I'm sure it's to do with how I come across since my autistic traits are often pretty obvious without my realising (lack of face expression, monotone voice, lack of eye contact, toe-walking and not swinging my arms when walking etc). I'm also very shy and often find it very difficult to approach people. I don't know. I'm just confused and bemused by it all.