i guess my fingers themselves are as strong as those of any other. i have played piano for a while but i'm not sure that contributed much as i played for around a year and a half, and only took actual lessons for 6 months. grip strength i assume is slightly lower than average but i cant really compare to that to anything, not sure. i can open jars and bottles just fine (my sister often asks me for help).
my wrists are quite small, and i have no problem with that! i can easily wrap my right index finger and thumb around my left wrist, but, i can touch my left pinky and thumb around my right had, i can;t do that with the other. normal...?
i've been doing some weight training but never been tested for grip strength. my handwriting is normally average when i'm given my own time but if i go on for too long or i'm in a timed situation, like taking notes in class, it starts to resemble arabic more than any latin script based language.
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