How is your day?
Before I start this question, I must say
thankyou for your criteques I got in my
#400 post survey. I am taking to heart
and hope this tactic of setting up a forum
1)...State a question
2)...Use quotes for my sample statement
3)...Let you continue and hopefully don't
get overwhelmed by my train of logic
4)...Avoid doing surveys unless someone
shows me how to do it right...Hint, Hint!
1)...The Question
"How is your day?" and if you choose to respond
2)...My statement in quotes.......
I have been recently overwhelmed by what I call
a failure to communicate to the autistic person,
let alone a NT. I have been feeling overwhelmed
and know accept the fact that most people will
read and not respond due to my flowery wording.
There is always hope that can change, and that is
why I experiment with formats and quotes.
I got up at 6:45am. I am feeling stressed.
I was late for work and this is shipment day.
This is not a good day to be late, and I need
the hours. I arrive, Z-tag yesterdays sales,
put the money in the drawer and I am getting
clumbsy, overwhelmed by the fact that we are
to be open at 7am. It is 7:05am.
I hustle to get something done, feeling
overburdened by forum failures, debating leaving
wrongplanet, annoyed by the fact I have no one
else to convey thoughts to except my computer
and a alcholic friend(and ADD to boot), things
start dropping, I am being overstimulated.
I am rushing to do a good job by 9am(became
10am when I clocked out. I am disturbed
numerous times to cashier, flashing bits of
angry expressions, getting more stressed.
I worry about the 11:30 am part of the day
when I wave my restraunt sign and am suppose
to smile not scare! It is 10am I can't eat,
worry about how to communicate to you folks
start spacing out, sneeze, become weak and
glazed eye. The acting manager asks if I am ok!
Glazed eye'd I say "I'm Fine" wanting to throwup.
I eat food like it tastes like card board with my
mind fluttering with thoughts of how to communicate
to you folks, dreading waving a happy face to
future customers on the street, and dealing with
a understanding, but bossy owner's wife.
I want to throw up. The acting manager asks
again if I am ok. I call the owners wife and feel
guilty calling in sick(I wanted to say emotionally
sick at that moment) and tell her I am not feeling
well. She seems to understand, and I hate calling
in sick.
I eventually go to Border's to download this feeling
to you folks but don't know how. I answer a few posts.
I feel better and hope for resolutions from private
it is now 4:11pm and I am more relaxed, and recieved
the posts I was hoping for. This is my day so far.
The writing of this is to bust this gut and let you know
that I am still staying, and constantly trying, to learn how
to communicate. I may get over dramatic, but that is
just me sometimes and I do appreciate being here, so
thanks for having me over.
Thanks for describing your days as well, fellow AS/HFA
You seem to be getting much better at wording your posts. Happy! I can tell you're a nice person, just stressed and a nervous. I sometimes wonder if people understand what I am trying to say, but I can always brush that feeling. You should find some sort of coping device to help wiht your stress. Just some advice.
Oh, sorry...just found the question.
My day was a bad one. My group and I were supposed to present a project in History. No one had anything, so we have to finish it tonight and turn it in a day late. I also have prom tommorow and want to sleep in so I can stay awake at prom (8pm to 12am). My mom is my ride, and won't let me. Still negotiating and might do it any ways (sleep in). After school, I had work until 10pm. Stressed out and tired from school and work on previous days, I barely survived. Here I am now, typing on this forum. That's my day in a nutshell. (figuratively)
I will have to admit I am overdramatic if I push
obsessively. If I didn't care about something
I wouldn't put myself in such a state. The
obsession thing is good but can have bad results
to the body. How's the formating idea?
Think it might do the trick.
Joined: Mar 27, 2005
Posts: 244
Location: PVB, FL
Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 1:19 pm
Post subject:
Oh, sorry...just found the question.
My day was a bad one. My group and I
were supposed to present a project in
History. No one had anything, so we have
to finish it tonight and turn it in a day late.
I also have prom tommorow and want to
sleep in so I can stay awake at prom
(8pm to 12am). My mom is my ride, and
won't let me. Still negotiating and might do
it any ways (sleep in). After school, I had
work until 10pm. Stressed out and tired from
school and work on previous days, I barely
survived. Here I am now, typing on this forum.
That's my day in a nutshell. (figuratively)
Good luck at the prom, did you find a date?
If so, very good. What do you think of
my formating idea.
My day went really well to boot, it was a very hectic one I might add also.
11:10am - I was worried this morning in my media production class that I was not going to be able to find a partner for my final project. However, I was suprised to find that my radio partner wanted to work with me again. Apparently I impressed him with my techincal know-how.
2:00pm - I arrived at the TV studio for the weekly taping of "Titan Tech", the TV show I volunteer on to fullfill my degree requirements.
4:00pm - The TV show is done taping and then I had to head over to the student union for the live production of "Battle of the Bands"
This was going to be the biggest challenge of the year for me. Setting up for a remote production is no easy task. And I was picked to run camera for the event which meant I would be right up next to the stage. I was horrified as the sound crew setting up brought in speaker after speaker. The space we were in was about 2500 sq ft, and according to the sound tech whom I asked, 15,000 watts of music power was being pumped out by those speakers. There was so much power there that during sound checking, the lights in room were flickering in sync with beats of the music.
Now who in their right mind needs 15,000 watts of music blasted into a confined space to be satisified? Not an aspie like me with hypersensitive hearing!
The program started at 7pm. I took up a spot with camera on shoulder next to a large concrete support pilar that I used to shield myself from the speaker bank on the other side of it. Once music playing commenced, I went into hyperfocus and blocked out all incoming auditory sensations, but found I didn't have to since the concrete pilar provided for a dead zone right next to it where the sound level was tolerable. At one point out of curiosity I stepped back away from the pilar just to see how bad it was. I was repelled like being hit with a water cannon. The physical pain I felt in my ears from the sound system was horrible and I retreated back to the shelter of my pilar. Yet people who came to see the preformance were standing right next to and in front of this noise maker acting like it was no big deal.
I did a 90 minute shift on camera and was relieved. I went down to a couch where I crashed and crashed hard for the rest of the night. I got back to my dorm room at 10:45.
It's now 12:18am and my ears are still ringing from this event.
I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...
This day is going to suck. I say this because I have to convince one of my teachers to extend the date for return of my coursework, I have to finish off some ICT and I will be followed by fat people trying to eat me.
Today I went to a meeting at the social office. I am trying to find a plan for me where to live, where to go to work/school, and some kind of aspie group/network. My mom went with me, and allthough everyone are trying to help, I just feel like I am "seling myself short", like I could live up to my potential beeing an artist or something. And everyone just wants me to get some job.. Well at least they are trying to help.
Today was the first time I admitted to beeing mayorly depressed in front of my mother and the social-office-lady.
I managed to get through the meeting without crying. Yay!
I guess that is all,
My day started at 10:05 A.M. today. I got dressed, applied some acne medication, combed my hair, and brushed my teeth. After that, I went down to the dorm lobby to pick up free copies of a couple of newspapers. I came back up to my dorm room, started playing some Red Hot Chili Peppers, and did one of the problems on a computer science assignment that's due by midnight tonight. Then I did some pushups and came here. I'll be eating lunch in a few minutes with a guy who was originally one of my brother's friends in high school and elementary school. After that, I have my first class at noon and my second class at 2:00. If it doesn't rain again today, I might go on a bike ride before finishing my homework.
1. What foreign language (i.e., non-English language and non-native language) are you learning or want to learn? You may list more than one.
2. "In linguistics, the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis (SWH) states that there is a systematic relationship between the grammatical categories of the language a person speaks and how that person both understands the world and behaves in it."
3. A language is someone's gateway to understanding the world and may influence his or her perception of it.
Joined: Jul 02, 2004
Posts: 815
Location: Fox Valley area of Wisconsin
11:10am - I was worried this morning
in my media production class that I was
not going to be able to find a partner for
my final project. However, I was suprised
to find that my radio partner wanted to
work with me again. Apparently I impressed
him with my techincal know-how.
I think you found a friend that will see you
for who you are and not what you are not
(a non-NT)
hectic one I might add also.
11:10am - I was worried this morning in my
media production class that I was not going
to be able to find a partner for my final project.
However, I was suprised to find that my radio
partner wanted to work with me again. Apparently
I impressed him with my techincal know-how.
2:00pm - I arrived at the TV studio for the weekly
taping of "Titan Tech", the TV show I volunteer on
to fullfill my degree requirements.
4:00pm - The TV show is done taping and then I
had to head over to the student union for the live
production of "Battle of the Bands"
I can see how you are kept busy. When I start
school later this year, I find this adds insight, though
I don't think I will be getting into Audio/Video, Hmm?
But who knows, not even I at this stage of my
re-development in how I communicate.
year for me. Setting up for a remote production is
no easy task.
•I was picked to run camera for the event
(which meant I would be right up next to the stage)
I was horrified as the sound crew setting up brought
in speaker after speaker. The space we were in was
about 2500 sq ft, and according to the sound tech
I asked, 15,000 watts of music power was being
pumped out by those speakers. There was so much
power there that during sound checking, the lights
in room were flickering in sync with beats of the music.
Now who in their right mind needs 15,000 watts of
blasted into a confined space to be satisified? Not an
aspie like me with hypersensitive hearing!
The program started at 7pm. I took up a spot with
camera on shoulder next to a large concrete support
pilar that I used to shield myself from the speaker bank
on the other side of it. Once music playing commenced,
I went into hyperfocus and blocked out all incoming
auditory sensations, but found I didn't have to since
the concrete pilar provided for a dead zone right next
to it where the sound level was tolerable.
I went into hyperfocus and blocked out all incoming
auditory sensations, but found I didn't have to since
the concrete pilar provided for a dead zone right next
to it where the sound level was tolerable.
I did a 90 minute shift on camera and was relieved.
I went down to a couch where I crashed and crashed
hard for the rest of the night. I got back to my dorm
room at 10:45.
It's now 12:18am and my ears are still ringing from
this event.
A couple of questions?
1)...I went into hyperfocus and blocked out all
incoming auditory sensations
(it sounds like you developed a coping skill)
2)...Are you clausterphobic, alot of people are?
3)...It sounds like a good career choice, what made
this one happen?
4)...How do you see developing a better coping
skill in a similar situation?
It seems you were caught off guard and what a
ideal testing ground to practice a new coping skill.
Joined: Mar 12, 2005
Posts: 68
Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 4:57 pm
Post subject:
This day is going to suck. I say this because I have to
convince one of my teachers to extend the date for
return of my coursework, I have to finish off some
ICT and I will be followed by fat people trying to eat me.
I have to finish off some ICT and I will be followed by
fat people trying to eat me.
Could you clarify, this is a vague statement for me.
Joined: Feb 13, 2005
Posts: 71
Location: norway
Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 11:49 pm
Post subject:
Today I went to a meeting at the social office. I am
trying to find a plan for me where to live, where to
go to work/school, and some kind of aspie group/
network. My mom went with me, and allthough everyone
are trying to help, I just feel like I am "seling myself
short", like I could live up to my potential beeing an
artist or something. And everyone just wants me to
get some job.. Well at least they are trying to help.
Today was the first time I admitted to beeing mayorly
depressed in front of my mother and the social-office-lady.
I managed to get through the meeting without crying. Yay!
I guess that is all,
I assume you are around age 18. It is good to
understand your gifts as a person. The first thing
is to go to college and there are plenty of types.
Art Colleges, Regular colleges, Technical Schools.
The step they are trying to do, so it seems from
what you have said so far is develop a sense of
independence so you have a opportunity to grow
academically? Socially? I don't know the full story,
so this is based on what I have read so far into what
you have said. And congratulations for now crying
(I believe you gave a YAY!)
AS or HFA, and what else?
hoping to hear more,
To clarify: that day I had some ICT work I had finished but just needed to print it off and hand it in. In regards to the fat people trying to eat me, they do it all the time. All the fatties waddle after me insulting me in their way of hunting if they actually have the energy to walk.
First of all, I realize that no one likes to do homework, not many people, anyway; but it is a necessary evil that is best, by 9th grade, to know that ya gotta do what ya gotta do. This is not the case in our house.
Ian couldn't sleep last night (he didn't do his assignments and homework); his teacher in world civ I e-mailed us about this, as do all of his teachers, when he doesn't turn in his homework, what with Asperger's and not being organized nor able to remember things well.
He didn't go to school today for lack of sleep; we know that 99.9 times if he has insomnia, it means that he is slacking off and is being bothered on some level in his mind, and cannot sleep because of it.
First, the heck about not doing the assignments, but he lies straight faced to us about doing it, knowing that we are going to find out and the s--t will surely hit the fan.
Maybe someday, somehow, Aspie or not, he will realize that lying is not permitted in this house, nor anywhere else, that it seems to me to be some kind of a character flaw.
That is how my day went and I hope that everyone else's was a heck of a lot better.
In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer........Albert Camus
You will find AS and HFA folk develop
good coping skills, but that is not always a
safety net. Each day is new day and a
new inner strength, and through expression
ones coping skills will develop better and
stronger like the mighty oak in the field
of grass where no other tree will stand.
It is the support of others and belief
in oneself then they shall persevere,
I hope IAN grows strong from within
and his mighty oak will be equally as
strong in it's field of grass.
P.S...The strength is nuturing these
coping skills!
In the body of a lamb beats the heart of a lion.
As strong as the oak yet as flowing as the reeds.