What is an Autism Service dog?
"Saturday, May 24, 2014
What is an Autism Service Dog
What is an autism service dog?
The Ada refers to a service animal as "Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person?s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA."
Link : http://www.ada.gov/service_animals_2010.htm
"Under the ADA, service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animal?s work or the individual?s disability prevents using these devices. In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls."
Link : http://www.ada.gov/service_animals_2010.htm
Odds are if you are reading this you are already familiar with autism but for those who may not know, Autism is a complex neurodevelopment disorder that affect both verbal and non verbal communication, social skills and sensory processing.
Autism service dogs (also call SSIG or sensory signal alert dogs) are dogs trained -Tasks- to help an Autistic individuals, these are general tasks that help with the sensory processing issues many of us on the autism spectrum experience. Things such as hearing and guide work may be taught for individuals who have trouble processing or who are either over or under responsive in the ares of visual and auditory processing. Autism service dogs may also be trained to retrieve objects and such during overload that help the individual communicate or get through the overload. During overload autism service dogs may also help guide handler out of a building or to a quiet place where they can safely recover. Each autism service dog is going to be trained different tasks based on the needs of the handler.
Unfortunately many organizations don't train proper autism service dogs and out right refuse to train them for adults, there are a few that do though. Autism service dogs can help give an adult with autism independence and drastically improve the quality of life of autistic individuals.
Things that are not tasks/ do not qualify a dog as a service dog
Any natural -untrained- behavior
Guarding handler
crime deterrent
Increasing socialization,
Natural calming presence
Search and rescue (though a handy side think not really a legal task such as it is define)
Basic obedience such as sit stay come ect
Laying under a table
Emotional support
Increasing confidence.
Watching the child or adult
Helping individual make friends
Natural untrained alerts
While there is no doubt some of these things listed above such as natural ale retrying and offering emotional support are helpful and can have a massive positive impact they are not legally considered work or tasks. There are others on this list like babysitting a child or tethering that are not work or tasks and should never be promoted as such.
Service dogs for children
This is an extremely complicated and emotionally charged area to talk about, the truth is this is a really grey area.a lot of parents first look into autism service dogs as a I way to get help with things they find challenging with thier children, bolting and wandering be the primary and some want them to help this kids make friends. As stated above this is not actually a task or work. Service dogs are not babysitters and shouldn't be trusted to watch over your child anymore then you trust a toddler or a wheelchair to babysit your child. A service dog need to have tasks that help the child. Another issue is that of stewardship most autistic children simply are not able to steward a dog. while it is clear and should be common sense a 2-4 year old can't steward thier own dogs it is also important to remember many older children still aren't able to do this, Most children with autism can't care for themselves much less steward thier own dogs. something that is required by the Ada of any service dog handler, however there we some who will be great candidates for a service dog and will be able to steward their own dog and may really benefit from one. so an inability to steward ones own dog can't be blanketed to all children. So really this needs to be decided on a case to case basis,
if you are considering a Service dog for your child here are some things you need to do and consider
you need to first you need to do is consider Why do you want a service dog? If you want it for emotional support then you might want to look instead into an emotional support animal see below. If you want it to make your job as a parent easier or to serve as a physical anchor to prevent your child from wandering or bolting off in public then a service dog really isn't right for you. Please reconsider and or think of other ways the dog might be trained to help your child!
next you need to determine if your child can steward thier own dog, if not will you or a staff member be able to be with them at /all/ times that they are with the dog and the dog is working?
What sorts of things does your child need help with? What can the dog do to help your child? *remember the dog has to help the child not you as the parent* it is also important to remember what things do not count as tasks as many organizations will try to sell you a 5-30,000 dollar sd based on these non tasks!
Service dogs are expensive and a /lot/ of work, do you have both the time and money for one of these dogs? While the benefit from a service dog can be amazing it is important to remember the cost isn't just what you have to pay or raise to get the dog it is also the dogs care over a life time, you will need to pay for vet bills both annual and for any emergencies, food, toys ect. You will also need to maintain the training which will require regular daily training session and then find time for exercise and play for the service dog. Are you able to provide all of this? Do you have the resources you need to provide this? Are you ready willing and able to make and to take on such a serous commitment?
Taking on a service animal is to take full responsibility for the health and care of this animal over a life time! Eventually the dog will get hurt or sick and eventually the dog will get old and will need to retire and sadly will eventually die! What do you plan to do if the dog gets sick, injured and can't work anymore? What about when it gets old and needs to be retired? If your answer is to just drop the dog off at some shelter once it is old and used up a service dog is not right for you! These dogs need care well into their old age when you takes on a service dog you are promising to be there until that dogs last days as painful as they will be.
Getting a service dog isn't like getting a full time babysitter it's like getting a second child!
These are only a few things to consider before getting an autism service dog for your child,
I made this it's own category on purpose
Tethering is a dangerous practice used by most "autism service dog organizations" as a method of preventing wandering. While wandering is an issue I take very serously and something I struggle with as an adult with autism I can tell you right now this is a very dangerous and borderline unethical and borderline abusive practice there are risks to both dog and child!
Note the ADA requires the handler be in control of their service animal,however tethering puts the animal in control of the child, which is technically a violation of that ADA requirement
The Risks
To dog
Injure and strain on the jigs joints When a child suddenly decides to bolt
If the child is strong enough the dog could end up getting dragged by the child. Additionally a child who is strong enough could knock the dog off balance or cause it to stumble should they bolt suddenly . while this is not a likely occurrence with smaller children kids grow and become both bigger and stronger.
The dog that is tethered to a child can't escape and may be injured by a child who is melting down especially if they are prone to violent outbursts as they are a close target
To the child
A fall or physical injury caused when the child tried to bolt and the dog does as it is train and stop and sits or lays down. The child who is bolting will rather suddenly be stopped and could become injured
Service dogs are still dogs, sometimes they make mistakes, should this happen while a child is tethered to the dog especially if the isn't a parent holding the dogs leash, known as tripod ding, the child can be knocked down and possibly dragged by the dog should they try to chase a squealer.
Last but not least and the most frightening the child could be attacked or get caught in the middle of a dog fight! Unfortunately service dogs have on many occasions been attacked by other dogs while working, usually by a dog who is off leash or if someone brings their dog up to try and greet your working dog! A child who is tethered to the dog when such a thing happens runs the risk of severe physical and psychological damage!! Are you will to risk having your child tied to a dog that is being attacked by another dog or animal?
Some organizations also promote tethering more then one child to a dog, this is out right abuse plain and simple and will increase risks to both kids and dogs
More info on tethering please read
http://animalbehavior.wordpress.com/200 ... ance-dogs/
Finding a proper program is very challenging as many organizations that claim to train autism service dogs are often placing tether or search and rescue dogs, often these are what people call cookie cutter dogs and are sold often on the emotional benefits and don't tend to train tasks that help the child.
If your an adult looking into getting an autism service dog it is going to be even harder most organizations refuse to train service dogs for autistic adults period! There are a few good ones that do by they are very hard to find!
Alternatives to tethering
As I have stated wandering is an issue that I take /very/ seriously! As an Autistic adult wandering is something I still struggle with regularly and I know several wonderful Autism parents who have lost amazing children to wandering. tragic deaths that should never have happened! however tying a child to a dog is not a safe or good solution! here are some alternatives ( I will update this as i find new ones)
have a soft handle attached to the dogs vest for the child to hold on to.
Have mason alert flyers ready for an emergency with current photo, child or adults name, age, if they are verbal, nonverbal, semi verbal or may become non verbal, what they and the best way to approach and communicate with them, sensory aversions, what not to do and a list of local hazards and things the child is drawn to like water, Also make sure to have contacts list a written description and any identifying features.
ID on the child such as a medical alert bracelet
tracking device
use a stroller if you are able
tether the child to you and not the dog: if you are still concerned about bolting and you really need to tie you kid down so they cant run off tether them to you! you are the parent/caregiver and you can better understand and take being hit or kicked during a meltdown! you are also generally stronger than a dog.You are also much less likely to forget what your doing and try and chase a surreal!
When looking for a program
Avoid any Program that promotes non tasks as tasks such as emotional support and natural reducing of meltdowns or says the dogs will be protective of you or the child
Ask about tasks, ask for examples of tasks they might train
Emotional Support Animals
Emotional support animals (ESAs) are a great alternative to a service dog, the handler of an emotional support animal doesn't have public access rights that service dogs do, how ever they do have special housing rights. Emotional support animals do need to have some basic manners and may even be natural a letters but they generally aren't task trained like service dogs must be. Though they can't come around public with you ESAs are can be highly beneficial alternative to a service dog as they do provide the child or adult with emotional support and their presence may naturally help calm calm the person, reduce meltdowns ect
Learn more: http://servicedogcentral.org/content/ESA"
http://autismdoggirl.blogspot.com/2014/ ... efers.html
Autism Service Dogs - Everyday heroes
many people spend their live looking for a hero
My autism service dog IS my hero
...and bite them if they don't stop.
A guy can dream.
(j/k aside, thanks for the links. Some people do benefit greatly from such animals)
Service dogs are not allowed to show any form of aggression and biting is a huge no! That would never count as a task
Autism Service Dogs - Everyday heroes
many people spend their live looking for a hero
My autism service dog IS my hero
Did I cover that in the thread? Do I need to include biting as not a task?
Autism Service Dogs - Everyday heroes
many people spend their live looking for a hero
My autism service dog IS my hero
I have a question regarding emotional support dogs. I understand that they are not considered service dogs because they are not specific task trained and are not allowed in public places.
However, I have always wondered why they cannot be considered service dogs in some cases and with additional training to make sure they aren't aggressive and that they know how to behave in public. For example, take someone who is unable to leave the house because of fear or anxiety, but they would be able to have a more normal life if they could have a dog go with them when they go out in public who basically just gives them the reassurance that someone is with them and helps them keep their mind off fear. Why wouldn't that be considered a service dog and allowed in public places, when they are helping someone with a disability live a normal life and access their community? Maybe that isn't the best example, but I hope you know what I mean.
I know that would be considered an emotional support dog instead of a service dog, I'm just curious as to the reasoning behind that as it is something that I've never understood. Thanks!
...and bite them if they don't stop.
A guy can dream.
(j/k aside, thanks for the links. Some people do benefit greatly from such animals)
Service dogs are not allowed to show any form of aggression and biting is a huge no! That would never count as a task
What if I was being assailed by some murderous pirate? An autism service dog would do me no good if I was too dead to enjoy its company or aid....
However, I have always wondered why they cannot be considered service dogs in some cases and with additional training to make sure they aren't aggressive and that they know how to behave in public. For example, take someone who is unable to leave the house because of fear or anxiety, but they would be able to have a more normal life if they could have a dog go with them when they go out in public who basically just gives them the reassurance that someone is with them and helps them keep their mind off fear. Why wouldn't that be considered a service dog and allowed in public places, when they are helping someone with a disability live a normal life and access their community? Maybe that isn't the best example, but I hope you know what I mean.
I know that would be considered an emotional support dog instead of a service dog, I'm just curious as to the reasoning behind that as it is something that I've never understood. Thanks!
Because under the ADA, task training is required. Just getting help from the animal isn't enough, specialized training of things to aid the person's disability is necessary for the animal to be a service dog.
Coming with you isn't a thing you can't do that the dog has been trained to do for you. It might make you feel better, it might let you do things even, but its not a task its been trained to do, its making you feel better. It actually even specifies that making you feel better explicitly doesn't count.
The ADA is the federal law that covers accommodations for public places and work places and stuff.
What you can say, is that you believe ESAs should be allowed public access rights, and attempt to get the law changed such that ESAs also have public access rights. There are people who believe that the scenerio you present should be allowed, as a public access ESA, and that could potentially eventually change be become allowed. But it currently isn't allowed.
However, I have always wondered why they cannot be considered service dogs in some cases and with additional training to make sure they aren't aggressive and that they know how to behave in public. For example, take someone who is unable to leave the house because of fear or anxiety, but they would be able to have a more normal life if they could have a dog go with them when they go out in public who basically just gives them the reassurance that someone is with them and helps them keep their mind off fear. Why wouldn't that be considered a service dog and allowed in public places, when they are helping someone with a disability live a normal life and access their community? Maybe that isn't the best example, but I hope you know what I mean.
I know that would be considered an emotional support dog instead of a service dog, I'm just curious as to the reasoning behind that as it is something that I've never understood. Thanks!
Because under the ADA, task training is required. Just getting help from the animal isn't enough, specialized training of things to aid the person's disability is necessary for the animal to be a service dog.
Coming with you isn't a thing you can't do that the dog has been trained to do for you. It might make you feel better, it might let you do things even, but its not a task its been trained to do, its making you feel better. It actually even specifies that making you feel better explicitly doesn't count.
The ADA is the federal law that covers accommodations for public places and work places and stuff.
What you can say, is that you believe ESAs should be allowed public access rights, and attempt to get the law changed such that ESAs also have public access rights. There are people who believe that the scenerio you present should be allowed, as a public access ESA, and that could potentially eventually change be become allowed. But it currently isn't allowed.
Oh, okay. I've always wondered what the reasoning behind that sort of thing was. So it's basically just the way the law was set up then and it could possibly change in the future. Thanks!
Thats awesome!! Where are you looking???
If your looking for a great service dog forum I highly suggest joining service dog central, they can help and advice there and there are lots of other autistics on there some with and some with out service dogs it ps an amazing place
Autism Service Dogs - Everyday heroes
many people spend their live looking for a hero
My autism service dog IS my hero
If emotional support dogs were considered service dogs, there would likely be an explosion of people claiming that their dogs were emotional suport dogs so that they could take them everywhere with them.
It is likely that a great many of those emotional support dogs would have little or no training and quickly become a nuisance. Just wait until you walk into a restaurant with emotional support doing all kinds of dog things that service dogs are trained not to do. What would you think if you were sitting at a table eating and someone's dog came up to you begging for food? Or even worse, if it was big enough, grabbing the food off of your table?
There would likely be a public backlash against service dogs that would cause serious problems for those who actually need the service dogs to perform necessary tasks for them.
The last thing we need is for emotional support dogs to be considered service dogs.
Dogs can be trained to behave professionally without being trained tasks. I do not know of anyone who thinks that unprofessional dogs should be in public. I do know of people who think that animals who do not perform tasks should be allowed in public; that it should be 1. Aid to the disability and 2. Behaving Professionally that should matter.
I have a dog which has been trained tasks and could never do public access. The fact that he's been trained tasks doesn't suddenly make him able to. The task training isn't what determines that.
I also have a cat who could handle all the stresses of being in public, behave professionally through it, and aid me, in many untrained ways. (The fact I am working on task training is irrelevant to this discussion. The fact she's a cat could be taken multiple ways if you wanted, but the point stands.)
ESAs are not somehow "less necessary" because they're not task trained. They're different sort of help, but they're still help. My ESA is a migraine alert cat. My ESA has a huge repertoire of behaviors to aid me, such as leading me away from a situation if I'm starting to react, before it becomes problematic. Me and her have came up with all sorts of things we do between us, allowing me to understand situations I otherwise wouldn't; such as me being able to read my emotions through her when I cannot through myself. She helps with my sensory processing. She does all sorts of things.
When it comes to "actually need", yeah, there are huge problems with unprofessional dogs, whether they are known pets, dogs of people faking, dogs from bad programs, or dogs of people who don't know how to train dogs and think they should be doing it.
That doesn't mean that other people have any less need, any less use, or any less aid. That doesn't mean that people are less than others because they do things differently. That doesn't mean that other dogs can't be trained to the same standards. That doesn't mean that what people NEED might not be an animal with them.
If I had the chance to bring my cat with me; yeah, I'd do it sometimes. Not always. I'd base it on what's right for me and for her. It'd be rare. It'd be based on what are good situations for her, and what are the situations that are hardest for me to apply other coping skills in. Even given how much better it would be to not be applying the other coping skills, I would choose that, given this situation.
Does that mean somehow I would be lying about my need, and the fact that a cat has changed what I can do, and if she were with me, would change it more?
I think that the number of people claiming to need a dog for emotional support would explode and the vast majority of those dogs would not be trained very well.
What happens when one of these so-called emotional support dogs bites someone? What if it is a three year old kid? Who is going to end up paying thousands of dollars in damages -- the owner or the business? (I would bet the business would pay.) How much would prices have to increase to cover the higher costs for liability insurance? What about people who try to antagonize the dogs so they will be bitten (or claim to have been bitten) and can file suit for a nice payout?
When the dogs crap or pee on the floor, is the owner going to immediately clean it up? Or are they going to act like it wasn't their dog or they didn't see it? Or will they claim that they are going to clean up the mess after they finish eating their meal knowing full well that the restaurant staff is going to clean it up? (I hope they wash their hands after doing so -- fat chance of that.) Will they be so insulted when the dog craps on the floor in a store that they will leave and the store loses a customer?
I can see NO upside whatsoever for requiring businesses to accomodate emotional support dogs. If the business wants to do it, that's fine with me.
As far as I'm concerned, it is enough to accomodate real service dogs and only real service dogs.
If emotional support dogs were considered service dogs, there would likely be an explosion of people claiming that their dogs were emotional suport dogs so that they could take them everywhere with them.
It is likely that a great many of those emotional support dogs would have little or no training and quickly become a nuisance. Just wait until you walk into a restaurant with emotional support doing all kinds of dog things that service dogs are trained not to do. What would you think if you were sitting at a table eating and someone's dog came up to you begging for food? Or even worse, if it was big enough, grabbing the food off of your table?
There would likely be a public backlash against service dogs that would cause serious problems for those who actually need the service dogs to perform necessary tasks for them.
The last thing we need is for emotional support dogs to be considered service dogs.
You've described an actuality, in our area of northern CA. My wife's diagnosed fear of being out of the house (agoraphobia) was greatly improved with her well trained emotional support dog. Soon we saw people with their untrained unruly animals claiming psychological benefits and the local licensing agency telling us how college students were bringing their untrained "pits" to class, rather than leave them home during the day.
So now with new restrictions many are unable to have a truly needed support dog thanks to typical NT behavior.
I don't understand how so many people could get away with having untrained service/support animals. Don't they have something like a dog license, except it licenses a dog as a service dog?
It seems to me like people claiming untrained/poorly trained, ill-behaved dogs as emotional support dogs means there was something wrong with the system of how to get a dog recognized as a service/support dog and it should be regulated better. (Not to say that ill-behaved dogs couldn't actually be emotional support dogs, but in that case their ability to emotionally support their owner is obviously not a good measure of whether or not they should be allowed everywhere.)
Maybe there needs to be a difference between an emotional support animal that supports you at home, and an emotional support animal that accompanies you in public?
"Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving." -- Terry Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky
Love transcends all.
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