I sort of believe in reincarnation, although not exactly. I believe that since life began, you have been one living being after another, be it an animal, an insect or a person. But in each of your lives, you don't remember any of your other lives, because technically you are not who you was in your previous life, if that makes sense. You're just another soul looking through another pair of eyes of another body. So, conversely, you DON'T have other lives really, only one, because you are not you in other lives.....Ohh, it's so hard to explain, but you get what I mean!
But anyway, if I were to be reincarnated, I would NOT want to have an ASD - OR ANY OTHER DISABILITY. I just want to come back as an average NT, with no afflicting health conditions or anything. Even if I got to be in a more accepting society, I still wouldn't want to come back as an Aspie again. I just want to be an NT. I want to be in the majority, and just be better at making friends through school instead of being the dumb quiet kid with no friends. I hated being that when I was at school. It just had to be me, didn't it?
I admit I am more accepted at work, but I still would rather just be an NT.