Joe90 wrote:
I've been on Sertraline for 6 months and I have not had any major side effects like that. I have drowsiness, but that's to be expected as it's a common side effect. But Sertraline is good for me because it has noticeably improved my self-esteem and has practically ''cured'' my depression. I still get mini bouts of depression from time to time, but not like I did before. I feel more in control of my emotions now.
I'd never heard of Sertraline before but according to Wikipedia, we do have it here in Australia under the brandname Zoloft (which I have heard of but don't know anything about).
Thanks Joe90. I'll ask my Psychiatrist about this because I really could use a boost to my self-esteem (in some areas).
Anafranil didn't do much for me.
Fluoxetine did better but... I don't know why I stopped it.
Sertaline, like Fluoxetine is another SSRI but it may be more beneficial. We live in hope!
Perhaps whoever said they don't think antipedressants work on Auties/Aspies was right. I noticed the Lovan (Fluoxetine) did make a dent in my depression but... actually, now I think about it, it did bring me back from considering suicide but it didn't restore life back to anywhere near normal. It still isn't but the return just seemed to happen naturally, gradually.
Isn't life MARVELOUS?!?!
Your Aspie score: 151 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 60 of 200
Formally diagnosed in 2007.
Learn the simple joy of being satisfied with little, rather than always wanting more.