quaker wrote:
Sounds like it's a big factor.
It's for this reason I live alone, have rigid adherence
to routines. Consequently, I know where everything is.
My greatest success (Functioning in the world)
has come at a cost though, as it has set up neural
pathways through over compensation that have
resulted in extreme OCD.
In the past I would pray just to me messy and disorganised
have a wife and conventional home life. However, I am
learning to be more messy, late, and generally more human
like yourself.
That actually reminds me of my own experience.
I always had notable problems with set-shifting, and that is what I suspect causes obsession with OCD (at least partially).
Perhaps difficulty switching task, is the reason OP finds himself 'wasting' time.
More likely, it is a combination of functions that are not performing correctly.
Unapologetically, Norny.
-chronically drunk