animalcrackers wrote:
For me, what I call shutdowns are basically loss of processing ability and cognitive skills, and they aren't a separate thing from meltdowns.
There is no way I could tell someone I was tired and need a nap during a shutdown. People get mad at me during shutdowns, because I can't do things they expect me to be able to do no matter how much I want to or how hard I try and I have no ability to explain, and that can actually lead to meltdowns.
This is me. Shutdown is just.. too low power to run any systems. My communications array is the first to go, navigation is on the fritz as well so movement is very difficult. Even internal organization is muddy. Imagine a powerless submarine filled with maple syrup, chest-high. Now demand the submarine resurface, radio in and then change course. *Could* happen, but not likely. If I wait long enough in the quiet, the maple syrup oozes away and I can navigate again.
Meltdown is nuclear reactor overload. Everything is an 11. The wires are too hot and are crossing, the plutonium has melted into the outer cores and is now scaring the living daylights out of every living thing in a 100 mile radius. I will hit, kick, cry, scream, try to escape- *anything* to get away from this terror meltdown. It's like trying to escape a blast radius before a bomb goes off.
As to your question, Mother, about why I think these developed later in life? I honestly don't know. Hormones perhaps?