1. How long have you known that you have AS?
3-4 years.
2. What is the main problem you have with AS?
Worded it weirdly, not sure I understand.. Umm... not a big fan of trouble reading body language.
3. What have you noticed about others with AS?
I've never met anyone else with AS in person. But I've noticed that a lot of people here have similar problems.
4. Does anybody else in your family have AS?
Grandfather might have it(Chemical engineer, likes trains). I've been told I have "eccentric" uncles (grandparents brothers) I've never met before. Other than that, no other family member has been dx'ed.
5. How do you deal with AS?
I adapt. I've gotten a lot better at ignoring background noises over the past year. I've also learned to stop murmuring. I've resisited rambling a lot.
6. Do you regret having AS?
No, not really. I regret having ADD, but not AS. You see, I have a gift. I see society from a different perspective that society sees itself. I see it as something to enter and exit as you please. While society is worried about itself, I'm off doing my own thing. I'd rather teach myself things than talk on the phone. And so, because of my view, I don't regret it. I could go on, but no one wants to read my rant about society. It's a fairly long one.
[qoute]7. What is one thing you don’t regret about AS? [/quote]
N/A. I said that I don't regret having AS, so this doesn't apply to me.
[qoute]8. If you could, what is the one thing you’d change about AS?[/quote]
Eye contact I can fix to a certain extent on my own. But, I'd love to be able to read body language. This is a key ingredient in communicating that I don't have. I can carry on a conversation, I can make decent eye contact if focusing hard, but I can't read subtle cues made via body language.
[qoute]Thanks for helping me clear this up. Cool Very Happy Wink[/quote]