Help me apply for disability (impairments/limitations)?

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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24 Oct 2014, 10:22 am

I'm not officially diagnosed as having an ASD yet but 95% certain as my assessor alluded to preparing for it, having family come in at later date to understand, learn, act with compassion, etc. Right now, I could qualify for (cpp) disability I think in Canada due to the combination of mental health issues, and medical things that all add up. But, I'm trying to understand what has caused me to not be able to work continuously for the past ten years. It's always on/off until I get into conflict, or difficulty with things such as changing routines, schedules, expectations, executive functioning (organizing, etc), talking to people, sensory overload, confusion from too many changes, memory etc.

I'm having a huge lengthy application that has to go over every professional visit, Drs I saw, treatment, medication, etc as well as all these questionnaires to limitations and challenges to "gainful" employment. I have a hard time thinking of it until I hear other descriptions and I can think whether or not I have that challenge or not. I won't lie on my application but want to think of everything. Can you help me brainstorm? This is in terms of ASD mainly however.

1. How impairment or illnesses, etc prevent you from working...
2. Explain difficulties or limitations in these areas: Sitting/Standing, Hearing/Seeing, Walking, speaking, lifting/carrying, remembering, reaching, concentrating, bending, sleeping, personal needs like eating, washing hair, dressing, breathing, bowel and bladder habits, drive car, household maintenance (cooking, cleaning, shopping, similar activities), using public transportation.

Part of the difficulties I have are that I can do like 10 minutes of every hour focused stuff not for me -cleaning, etc...then it's like I need this down time and it makes me feel incapable, stupid, incompetent. If I work at trying to talk say on the phone with someone about taxes or anything I have to disengage. I'm not sure that is a spectrum thing. It's with anything. Any effort put foward going outside core self is hard, but I can do it in small bursts. If it's pushed more and more however I go into full meltdown mode (my own, can't talk, can't be around people, noise, inside screaming, panic, etc).

So, even for household it's like I can get dressed eventually but it can take me all day to do it. Remembering or prioritizing. I can't figure out what to do if there is no firm routine or pattern. I need someone to say hey, you need to go do this now....I feel stupid about it but I go off into learning stuff, and forget to eat, dress, brush teeth, shower...forget about everything actually.

Needing some help so if you have any thoughts, please post or pm me. Thank you.


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24 Oct 2014, 11:01 am

Your description of Canada's disability-benefits application sounds very similar to that of the United States. I would suggest that you write a draft version of your answers of the application questions using the same kind of statements that you used in your post:

Part of the difficulties I have are that I can do like 10 minutes of every hour focused stuff not for me -cleaning, etc...then it's like I need this down time and it makes me feel incapable, stupid, incompetent. If I work at trying to talk say on the phone with someone about taxes or anything I have to disengage. I'm not sure that is a spectrum thing. It's with anything. Any effort put foward going outside core self is hard, but I can do it in small bursts. If it's pushed more and more however I go into full meltdown mode (my own, can't talk, can't be around people, noise, inside screaming, panic, etc).

So, even for household it's like I can get dressed eventually but it can take me all day to do it. Remembering or prioritizing. I can't figure out what to do if there is no firm routine or pattern. I need someone to say hey, you need to go do this now....I feel stupid about it but I go off into learning stuff, and forget to eat, dress, brush teeth, shower...forget about everything actually.

Don't try to complete all your answers at once, but when you have them finished, go over them once or twice and improve them to make them a little more detailed and accurate. At that point, you are finished and can deliver your application. If the benefits office has questions, they usually ask for more details or examples. Be honest, and give them as much information in your answers as you believe they need to understand you and your current condition whether in a working environment or not.

Good luck.

Diagnosed in 2015 with ASD Level 1 by the University of Utah Health Care Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinic using the ADOS-2 Module 4 assessment instrument [11/30] -- Screened in 2014 with ASD by using the University of Cambridge Autism Research Centre AQ (Adult) [43/50]; EQ-60 for adults [11/80]; FQ [43/135]; SQ (Adult) [130/150] self-reported screening inventories -- Assessed since 1978 with an estimated IQ [≈145] by several clinicians -- Contact on by private message (PM)

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24 Oct 2014, 11:55 am

Good with your application :)

It's pretty hard for us to say exactly what you are and aren't capable of, and the worst thing you can do on your application is exaggerate or even lie.

So let's run through the symptoms of autism quickly. Do you struggle with social interaction? If so, can you not understand them? Can they not understand you? Are you inappropriate?

Do you have sensory issues? Do you struggle with bright or flashing lights? What about loud sounds, crowded rooms, or irritating background noise? Strong smells? Any textures? Would these be an issue in a place of work?

Can you cope with unexpected changes to routine?


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24 Oct 2014, 12:27 pm

emandeli, you sound SO much like me with some of the descriptions of things that are difficult for you and the results. I think the other responses here give really good advice that I would only repeat, so nothing else to say except very best wishes for this, and I hope you get the help you need.