Sorry in advance about being vague, but unsure how to get my feelings across or even what i want in this post.
Can a person be on the spectrum without defining traits? My daughter was diagnosed quickly enough once we decided it needed to happen, because of her 2 defining traits
1- tv adds and jingles recited 1000 x and 2- hand twirling and rapid flapping of her hands.
So can there be a diagnosis without definitive traits?
I'm asking for me. I am so reactive on little stress. I went out today and had coffee with 5 people and I cannot socialise with conviction of what I say in the group. I get this vibe from their facial expressions, everyone talks at once and I feel like i'm not believable or interesting. I feel stunted in that situation, and at home , it all flows so natural and smooth, but it never feels that way in the situation.
When I recount or just think of an event or a piece of information or text, I immediately by a split second think to a prior similarity of what i am recalling. But it evades me and nothing comes up. I dont know why this is. Its an automatic thing and out of my control. What I have written makes no sense.
If it is so that one can have aspergers without defining traits it would seem nearly impossible to diagnose. No? thoughts please.