I can become fairly irritable when everyone around me is staring at their phones too much. When I go fishing/hunting the natural rhythm, sounds, smells, and feelings cleanse my troubles. Everything feels real and vibrant again, instead of artificial, overcomplicated, and relational, everything out there just is what it is.
The longer I go losing touch with live things the more dead I feel inside. I can be a social person but I can't tolerate networking sites, and I require absolute solitude from time to time. City folk don't really understand the meaning of things like life and death, scent and sound driven adrenaline, or acute sensitivity to your immediate surroundings. Food is something that merely happens for them, they can't empathize with and appreciate a marvelous creature like the bull elk. They consume only selected parts of animals that sacrifice everything. Neither do they understand the value of shelter and the ever present concern of exposure to the elements. No, they just keep looking at their phones.
There is no wealth like knowledge, no poverty like ignorance.
Nahj ul-Balāgha by Ali bin Abu-Talib