Hi there,
The eagle eyed among you will have noticed that this is a replica of a post I made in the summer asking for male participants for some research. Because so many of you helpful people responded, I now need more female participants to redress the gender balance of participants. I PROMISE this is my last thread on the topic because I do appreciate that I could get myself into an endless cycle with this! A huge thanks to all of you who have helped with this research, and asked questions and discussed it, I've been learning a lot from all of your comments and ideas.
I was wondering if any women might be able to help out with some research I'm doing.
I need about 45 women to take part in this survey to get the gender balance right. Would any women with aspergers/autism be willing to fill out this 15 minute survey? It asks about your identity as someone with autism, as well as gender identity and a few mental well-being questionnaires. Your help would be really appreciated!
The link to the questionnaires is here: https://www.survey.bath.ac.uk/socialidentityasc
Apologies that I posted this already.