jenisautistic wrote:
What program in school are you in ? Regular ed or special ed? What is school like for you?
I know you aimed your question at those with classic Autism however I hope you don't mind if I answer too.
Diagnosed ASD I was told in would have been Asperger's a couple of years ago.
I went to mainstream schooling jen and let me tell you it was Hell on earth for me.
I was bullied by almost everybody.
Doing physical education was the worst the two most popular boys would get to pick teams and I would be the very last sitting there nobody wanted me.
I sometimes wish that PE teacher dies a horrible death of cancer in dreadful pain that is how much of a scar that experience has left on me.
Jen Aspies are not some elite among autistics.
My spelling is bad my social skills are a joke.
I have never been independent nor have I ever managed to get into a relationship.
I have all the sensory issues that go with autism and I have failed my driving test twice this year.
Having said all that Jen I am looking at life in a positive way.
Jen if the classes you are in are helping you use them and don't feel ashamed.
Being so called high functioning I can appear close to normal or even normal if I don't have to get to know a person.
Close is not good enough however the degree of Autism does not really matter Autistics don,t fit in with mainstream society.
Jen you like your doll collection I like my sc fi movies and trust me at 40 my interest is not considered normal but I don't care I enjoy them.
We are all Autistics here.