I'm not really interacting with our direct neighbours (we have one half of the building, they have the other side and all that divides us are two entrances and a low fence) except for the obligatory friendly "Hello!" when I see one of them.
This has other reasons though than pure unwillingness or not being able to. If they were very polite and truly friendly people I would actually force myself to exchange some words in pointless smalltalk, yet this is not the case. When our house had a small leak resulting in water damage last summer in 2013 (the many long lasting reparations were one of the many reasons for my long absence from Wrong Planet), they acted in a fake friendly way implying they would be willing to sue us if we wouldn't take responsibility. But how can one take responsibility for something purely coincidental when one has been on holidays far away? As my grandparents were taking care of the house, they were even blaming it on them when they managed to catch one of them alone which even resulted in my grandfather having depressions for a certain period of time - not exactly nice actions they did there!
This, and a series of other various little actions that followed simply sparked a certain dislike in me. The occasional forced smalltalk from before just isn't worth my time anymore, they are labeled as false people in my eyes from that event on who simply put on an act to be friendly but in reality are people who do not wish for the other to have a better time than them because they are jealous (very evident).
Surprising, how one's views on someone can change after 11 years of living next to each other due to something trivial like that once one gets to see the true character of the people.
Other than my direct neighbours, there are my less direct ones.
Recently, a new building was finished facing ours directly on the other end across the small street I live in and many new people moved in. I still don't recognize their faces and I believe they see me way too few to know I'm one of their neighbours as I leave my home roughly once a week at best, so there is absolutely no interaction. My brother once said hello to one and I was asking him who that was, not knowing it until he explained that it's one of the new neighbours who greeted him once. Of course, my family's interaction was also limited to greeting. I guess that's what we just can do best.
There is a family, one could consider them one of the indirect neighbours (certain distance but no building in between, tricky to explain) which we have had some more indepth conversations with but it has been quiet for a while now.
And then there are our neighbour's neighbours who are quite some nice people which I tend to greet whenever I recognize one of them. Unfortunately I only realize it's them when they are doing something in front of their house due to the previously limited contact. Unlike our direct neighbours, they even attempted to help when our house had the leak by closing the water connection and removing the water from our cellar with a pump. Our direct neighbours on the other hand just called the fire brigade because they noticed water leaking through the wall into their cellar so I assume their "help" was of egoistic nature rather than altruism.
Anyway... so, this is the interaction with our neighbours in a nutshell.
You see, not a lot going on, just greetings.
Diagnosed with Aspergers.
BSP-errors are awesome.