Throughout my life I'e always wanted to be liked so I've been friendly to a fault. In the last few years though I've realised that I've lost the desire to be friendly. I've stopped speaking to people and I've become much more withdrawn.
I probably come across as rather sullen and unlikeable. I don't want this to happen. I don't want to be a horrible person. I've lost the drive to be "nice" though.
The situation is at it's worst at work. I don't speak or contribute anything unless spoken to. I don't even say "Good Morning" unless someone says it to me. I didn't used to be like this. I would talk and make jokes and, yes, try to get people to like me. The thing is now that I feel that if I offer anything, if I take a chance and say "Good Morning" to someone, I have given them the opportunity to ignore me, to put me in my place. It feels like I am grovelling for approval. It feels like there is a lot of social climbing going on and I'm one of the untouchables at the bottom.
This sounds like a description of a Secondary School environment but I'm 47 and the age range of the people I'm talking about are mostly aged 30-60 so they're not teenagers.
I hope that this is "wrong thinking" on my part. I've tried using CBT techniques to think of other explanations for why the other people in the office behave the way they do but somehow these don't ring true.
I've worked in offices before and it's never been like this. I've never been "Mr Popular" but I've made friends and had good conversations. That's all I want. It has been literally YEARS since I've had a conversation at work about something that I'm interested in.
So, am I stuck with a group of people that I'm incompatible with, or have I just grown old and lost all hope?
I've got to admit that it's hard maintaining an optimistic view of how other people will treat me when I get situations like I had today on the train- I was checking my 'phone and then reading my Kindle when I heard giggling. I looked up and a group of teenage girls were laughing at me and taking pictures of me on their mobile phones as if I was the f**king Elephant Man...