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21 Nov 2014, 4:43 pm

It been So Hard to make friends all my life, I'm 44 now & still have so much trouble. I can only make friends online, but I can still lose their friendships, they don't understand me. I have a few online friends, but they are too busy or I can not talk to them too good, I have a best friend online, she is great! We met online almost 15 years ago, she understands me & she is patient too. My family don't completely understand & my older sister don't understand me. My question is do you have trouble talking to your family? I'm talking about your whole family, I have so much trouble talking to them.


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21 Nov 2014, 5:13 pm

I've had trouble establishing bonds with people most of my life. For years I kept people at arm's length because it I didn't want to be rejected for being different. I've slowly gotten over it, but find I am regressing back to that state after a recent experience of unrequited love. As far as family goes, I've had issues with talking to them, but am trying to establish a somewhat closer relationship with my sister, as of late.

It's good you have a best friend online. I've all but given up on finding one, since at my age, most people already have one. I'm beginning to come to terms with the fact that I'll never be anyone's best friend, even if they're mine.

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21 Nov 2014, 5:18 pm

I didnt talk to my family for about 10 yrs in my twenties.

I am now slowly talking to them on facebook, it is pretty difficult.


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21 Nov 2014, 5:58 pm

I don't feel very much disconnected from my family, not all the time at least but yeah I don't talk to them in depth, I sometimes talk to my friend or sibiling in depth but not always and not about everything


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21 Nov 2014, 6:08 pm

I am totally emotionally detached from my family and lack any friends online or in person. I create some false me to play them; so, I can use them for my NEETdom.


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21 Nov 2014, 6:24 pm

I've been estranged from my family for many, many years. Then, a couple of years ago, we found each other on FB. One of sisters came up here to see me, but it ended in us fussing at each other, and she UNfriended me on FB. I would give almost anything to be friends with my sisters----ESPECIALLY since I don't have any friends (they all left me, when I got diagnosed), and now that one of my sisters has just been diagnosed with Breast Cancer (but FB won't load on my computer, now)----but, I guess it's just not meant to be. It sucks rocks!!


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21 Nov 2014, 6:35 pm

I don't really get along with my family. If we'd get too close, we'd probably go for each other's throats.

My mother still thinks I'm a "ret*d" socially, and is embarrassed to be seen out in "public" with me. She doesn't use the term--but the implication is evident.


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21 Nov 2014, 7:30 pm

I can go to family parties, but Im not too comfortable around them, I can't talk to them too good. I don't know why, I think it is my Asperger. My mom use to force me to go. I had a very big family.

Thanks everyone for your replies.


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21 Nov 2014, 7:30 pm

I can go to family parties, but Im not too comfortable around them, I can't talk to them too good. I don't know why, I think it is my Asperger. My mom use to force me to go. I had a very big family.

Thanks everyone for your replies.


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21 Nov 2014, 7:31 pm

I can go to family parties, but Im not too comfortable around them, I can't talk to them too good. I don't know why, I think it is my Asperger. My mom use to force me to go. I had a very big family.

Thanks everyone for your replies.


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21 Nov 2014, 7:46 pm

I am able to communicate pretty well with my dad and extremely well with my cousin who's like my brother. But not really with the rest of the family. But they all treat me alright. But I always feel like I'm outside of the loop. Not a whole lot of communication goes on between me and them.


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21 Nov 2014, 8:23 pm

EzraS wrote:
I am able to communicate pretty well with my dad and extremely well with my cousin who's like my brother. But not really with the rest of the family. But they all treat me alright. But I always feel like I'm outside of the loop. Not a whole lot of communication goes on between me and them.

I'm 39 but I certainly felt like this at 14 and still do, tbh. Except I communicate well with my mum, not my dad. I have 3 older brothers and there is only one who I can talk to fairly easily - to say we're close would be a gross exaggeration though, especially as I very rarely see him since he moved up north a few years ago.

Kitty4670 wrote:
I can go to family parties, but Im not too comfortable around them, I can't talk to them too good. I don't know why, I think it is my Asperger. My mom use to force me to go. I had a very big family.

Yeah, same. Can't really hold a conversation with any of my cousins, it soon peters out.

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23 Nov 2014, 1:52 am

If they don't understand make them understand, none of this "no one understands me" attitude. They won't magically understand you if you keep up with your self pity.

No one understood me either but that's not their fault. The only way to have people understand was to talk about my issues at great length and not give a crap what they think.


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23 Nov 2014, 2:09 am

NiceCupOfTea wrote:
Yeah, same. Can't really hold a conversation with any of my cousins, it soon peters out.

Same with me I can't hold a conversation, I was better at it when I was younger. I can't talk to my nephew good.


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23 Nov 2014, 2:32 am

I have trouble when it comes to making friends. In the seventeen years I lived, I've only successfully made three friends. (But I stopped talking to two of them a while back, and the one I still talk to I became friends with recently.) Thought I don't have trouble talking to my family, they understand I have autism and their very accepting of it. ^_^


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23 Nov 2014, 2:42 am

I am uncomfortable with the vast majority of my family, especially those on my dad's side. I am close with my mom and little brother, and that is pretty much it. I have one friend that I still talk to, and he thinks he has schizotypal personality disorder, though he isn't diagnosed. Once he leaves (he will probably be going out of the country for a 2-year church mission very soon) I will be completely friend-less, at least in real life.

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