They sent me a questionnaire in the mail for my evaluation next month, I'm supposed to bring it with me. But I'm having trouble with it, because for one thing it is a generic form for basically every kind of evaluation they do, and since this is a family clinic it is assumed that a parent is filling it out. So everything is based on the parent's perspective, and everywhere it says "child" I have to just think of it as myself. For some reason that bugs me more than a little.
And also, a lot of the questions are asking specifically about my childhood, and a lot of this stuff I don't remember or know, like at what age I learned to walk, ride a bike etc. I don't like leaving them blank though, this also really frustrates me for some unknown reason.
I probably need to call my mom and ask her all those things, but I doubt she'll remember everything. I'd rather just attach my own document detailing everything I know about my childhood, but I don't know if that's ok to do. I'd be able to explain it better that way. What should I do?
"It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important."
- Sherlock Holmes