So last night games where on sale on the Xbox 360 for Gold members. I mom enjoys one of the games Plants vs Zombies. We got the one called Garden Warfare, but it wasn't the same at all as what she was playing. She was very disappointed and said she waited to play the other one. So without asking, I bought it, with her credit card. She was very upset when she found out that I used her card without asking her If I could. I thought the problem was simply the fact that I used her credit card without asking, but she says it deeper then that. And it usually is deeper then what happens. Just I can't quite figure out what it is. She also got upset with me when I was told to open the door for the cat, and instead sat there for about 10 minutes in a daze. When she woke me out of it, I said do you want me to take the cat to the room. I was going to do that instead but she got upset with me for not listening to her. I think this has something to do with the deeper meaning. If you guys and gals can help me figure out what it is that would be great, because I almost never get it.