I should have answered the question for myself, along with reassuring EzraS (though taken literally, the question implies that Aspies all have eidetic memories, which we don't: a very few of us have those freaky memories that never forget anything). My memory has never been stellar, probably one average thing about me, though when I was young, I could memorize strings of numbers in short-term, and add up the items I was buying in the grocery store in my head (which means _remembering_ the previous total from one item to the next, while figuring prices, etc) better than your average bear. But that kind of memory does take effort to exert: I most certainly did not remember everything! But at age 70, I have noticed that my short-term is going, such things as thinking about the hereafter (you go into the kitchen, then wonder what you came here after), whether or not I've sugared my coffee, and more dangerously, I recently forgot to stub two checks in a row, then when writing the next check, later, and the numbers didn't show, drew a total blank on whether I'd written the two missing ones or somehow totally lost them -- never did know until my bank statement came back and they were normal, unquestionably legitimate, recipients that I had written them to. And for the last several years, I've had to remember to make a careful mental note and pound it into my head to remember where I put the car in the parking lot, or when I come out of the store I won't be able to find it.
Asperges me, Domine