No, but since I am learning BSL (British Sign Language) as a second language because I attend a school for deaf students, I can relate and have seen videos of people speaking ASL before. I've noticed that facial expressions and body language are a huge part of sign languages. A lot of people, when they sign, are so expressive with their facial expressions and body language. My signing classmates tend to exaggerate their facial expressions and I actually find this easier to understand than tone of voice. I have also been told that I need to work on my facial expressions but other than that, my signing is fine.
What I've found that helps me is watching someone pull a certain facial expression, asking what it means, noting it down and then trying to pull the same facial expression myself in the mirror. I also read manga and the facial expressions in manga and anime are very exaggerated, and in a way, that has helped me to understand certain facial expressions that I've found to be difficult to interpret.