And by that I mean more conflict than there would be in strictly NT communities around similar topics. I've just been really disheartened by a lot of the discussion I've seen around the web lately in various autism/asperger's communities*. Whether the topic is Seinfeld, London McCabe, self diagnosis, ABA therapy, or any of about a dozen different "Autism Parents" vs "Autistic Adults" disputes, they all seem to deteriorate into especially angry or frustrating arguments.
It's gotten to the point where I'm starting to wonder if this kind of discourse is inevitable for our community. Put a bunch of us who have self professed limitations with things like empathy, perspective sharing, rigid and inflexible thinking, and communication limitations into a message board together and how long does it take before conflict arises, regardless of the topic?
Some other food for thought. If you take inevitable conflict based on our neurology as a given, are there particular steps that you could take to better encourage civil conversations within communities? And in communities that share both significant autistic and NT members, does one side share more of the burden than the other in going out of their way to have productive discussions?
*not just talking about WP here. I see it all the time on Tumblr, Reddit, Twitter, FB, etc... as well.