yournamehere wrote:
Everybody is weird. There is a difference between warm fuzzy teddy bear weird, funny muppet show weird, mental institution weird, science experiment weird, and serial killer weird. Some people just enjoy the company of some kinds of weird. It is important to have something to relate to. Most of which cannot be faked.
This is quite true. I actually enjoy that mental institution, science experiment and serial killer weird over that muppet show weird. Suppose insane or crazy applies here as well, lol.
It doesn't help that, just to adress the demographic here, beyond the NT/AS debate and NT's being a norm that wants to dictate, there's also a bit of a "norm" on what's acceptable weird. And if you're on the spectrum and bring that kind of unwanted weirdness with you, it would seem you're asking for trouble.
It does open up the idea of "what exactly is weird?" Is something per definition weird the moment it doesn't fit your own ideals? For some people it already is (ignorance is a thing as it happens) yet others can totally accept someone being weird, regardless on whether someone is weird for the sake of being weird, or someone is weird because he genuinely is a bit of a curious creature.