At this stage of my life, I don't follow nor believe any claim about ASD on trust alone, wherever it is coming from, and especially so in the case of so-called breakthrough research with extravagant claims.
When I was a young person I tended to believe people who seemed more educated and knowing than me - they certainly acted as if they knew everything and I knew nothing, and that intimidated me in my early years.
During tertiary education I met a critical theorist who taught me philosophy of science (brilliantly) and it was a life changing piece of learning. And he completely encouraged me to think for myself, he wasn't one of those teachers who try to stuff your head with his own beliefs.
The myth I have most challenged in my personal encounters is that all children on the spectrum are violent, dangerous to other members of their families, because they are inherently defective and incapable of appropriate behaviour. (A myth that shows like Dr Phil's perpetuates.)