My son is being cut off of SSI disability.

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09 Dec 2014, 8:10 pm

After many years, they are taking my son off of disability. He doesn't work nor had he ever worked. He wants to work but his inability to deal with other people really hinders his ability to do so. He has Asperger's, ADHD, Dyscalculia, OCD's, and extreme Anxiety, he can't tell time or count money. He has severe math disabilities and he doesn't want to be around people, including children. He prefers to be in his room and is only really good with his computer. I want him to work and he wants to have a job, but we don't know what to do about this. Obviously, the SSI feels that Asperger's is not a disability and my son should be working. They have no idea what he goes through on a daily basis. He will lose his monetary benefits and his medical. He is currently seeing a counselor for his anxiety and that will end as well. He did graduate HS with a special education diploma, and the military wouldn't even consider him for any involvement. He has never had any Vocational Rehab. or been referred to such.
I don't know what else to do as I did appeal but I am not sure what else I can say to them to convince them that my son still needs help both physically and emotionally. He currently isn't on any medications because he is against any type of drugs or alcohol. The psychologist that diagnosed him now says he can work despite the fact that my son had little to say and no eye contact.. I have since put in an application with the Vocational Rehab in hopes that they can help him discover whatever talents he has to put to work in this work force. There is a waiting list for the Vocational Rehab, so we have a while before we get help. Is there something else I can submit to the SSI in his defense on his appeal so that they have enough evidence to support his disability and perhaps allow us a few more years to get him trained with some definite job skills? I would appreciate any suggestions that are worthy and will help me in my fight for my son's benefits. Lawyers won't help because this isn't a cessation case. :cry:


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09 Dec 2014, 8:37 pm

Yet you have people who get SSI for depression... the frick is wrong with these people? -_- However, I suggest getting a lawyer. A lawyer can help you appeal your son's case. I also cannot work, but I also don't have AS. I'm under my dad, but once I turn 27, I think... I'll have to get SSI on my own though. In my case, I don't just have the severe anxiety, but I suffer from severe executive functioning issues. I get overwhelmed easily if someone tells me to do too many things at once.

There are special SSI lawyers that can handle cases like this. I don't see how they would turn you down either. I've seen one advertised on TV before, but I don't know if it's available wherever you live though. This might help you find one of them in your area.

Currently diagnosed with Autistic Disorder, ADHD, severe anxiety, learning delays and developmental delays.


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09 Dec 2014, 8:44 pm

LokiofSassgard wrote:
Yet you have people who get SSI for depression... the frick is wrong with these people? -_- However, I suggest getting a lawyer. A lawyer can help you appeal your son's case. I also cannot work, but I also don't have AS. I'm under my dad, but once I turn 27, I think... I'll have to get SSI on my own though. In my case, I don't just have the severe anxiety, but I suffer from severe executive functioning issues. I get overwhelmed easily if someone tells me to do too many things at once.

There are special SSI lawyers that can handle cases like this. I don't see how they would turn you down either. I've seen one advertised on TV before, but I don't know if it's available wherever you live though. This might help you find one of them in your area.

Social Security Administration is fickle and it depends on who you are dealing with.

Having a lawyer who specializes in it, is the best way to go.

My aunt had trouble getting SSI/disability, even though she was medically unable to work due to a kidney transplant.
She will be back at work early next year and my uncle has a good paying job.

She eventually got it after fighting it.

Something.... Weird... Something...

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09 Dec 2014, 9:40 pm

Yes xenocity, I didn't add that he has depression as well. That is really one of his problems and why he had the counselor to help him with his depression and anxiety which are two of the main things that people with AS have in common and have to deal with everyday. I did try one lawyer but because I didn't let his payment run out and I decided to have the payments continue while I am appealing their decision , there won't be any money for the lawyer to have or I would have to pay the lawyer out of my son's meager monthly payments. The lawyer told me that they don't take Cessation cases, my case is this type of case. There is nothing in those cases for them, if they (I) win.
I never heard of "executive functioning issues" but my son has those issues as well and because of his ADHD he can only do one thing at a time and sometimes that overwhelms him to the point of him forgetting what he is told. We try lists but he also gets "off task" and then forgets the whole thing and goes back into his room. I don't know what is wrong with the government, but I surmise that they want those who aren't what they call "disabled" off of the role to save money. That is why people are freaking out and doing the things they're doing to themselves and others these days. They don't want to support mental health or help those with mental health issues. Although my son is not on any medications right now, that doesn't mean he won't need any medications in the future. Thank you for your support! 8) :lol:


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09 Dec 2014, 9:49 pm

How old is your son and how long has he been on SSI? SSI and SSDI are not the same thing. If he was on SSI for disability and it has been terminated I would consult a disability lawyer and apply for SSDI

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09 Dec 2014, 10:14 pm

My son is now 26 and has been living with us (parents) since birth. He receives Supplemental Security Income, not SSA. He has received the SSI since he was 10 or 11. I never heard of SSDI and I am not sure if a lawyer will take our case.

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09 Dec 2014, 10:21 pm

There's been similar problems here in the UK with government trying to save money by taking benefits away from vulnerable groups. I hope you get it sorted.

While I don't know much about Discalculia, it sounds unfortunate to have it alongside an Autistic spectrum disorder as jobs people on the spectrum are often good at tend to involve maths.

If he is good with his computer, one non-mathematical job that may suit him would be data entry? Or he could try learning how to code.

Coding may have some problems with maths, but from what I've read from a google search on the topic, there are coders out there who have the condition but have been able to develop coping mechanisms, some as basic as buying a good calculator. The plus with coding is that I've heard in the past of software companies purposefully trying to hire people on the spectrum as developers. Or if he focused on web development, he may be able to work for himself, provided someone else manages the finances and customer relations. Another bonus with web development is that html/css don't require much maths if he focused on front-end development.

A good website to learn coding is Codecademy.

He could also try some free courses on Coursera.

Good luck =)

22, entrepreneurial and diagnosed with High Functioning Autism, ADHD, OCD and Tourettes. Also have problems with Anxiety, and more recently depression, although I seem to returning to my optimistic self =)

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09 Dec 2014, 11:12 pm

Yeah, unfortunately, the inability to do math is something that runs in our family. I failed math every year in school since I started school. I can do lower math but once it gets to Geometry, Algebra, Trig and the higher math it is not happening for my brain and for my husband as well. My son graduated school with a special education diploma which basically says we will pass you along in high school even if you can't pass the courses. His diploma isn't even accepted in the military. His math skills are shot out but he is good and knows about computers and how to put them together, so we shall see what he can get. Here in the states, you have to be certified to work on computers but the math keeps him from doing the courses. You have to learn how to program or at least know programming and that takes Boolean algebra and that isn't happing for him either. Well thank you all for the help. To Chagya, my son never worked so he doesn't have credits to get the SSDI. I am looking into other options if my appeal doesn't go through. Thank you Eleventhirtytwo, I will send him that information for him to look at. Thanks everyone for your help. Have a Happy Holiday! :P


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09 Dec 2014, 11:18 pm

I hope that you can all get this sorted out very soon.

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09 Dec 2014, 11:41 pm

I can't believe with the anxiety and all the other severe symptoms he has that the psychologist says he's ready for work. He should be sued for malpractice. He (the psychologist) is probably the main reason the government has terminated your son's disability. Has your son ever seen an actual psychiatrist? I would advise that you seek another advocate for him before taking it to court. He needs a real doctor to assess his symptoms. Psychologists are not doctors and are not fit to say someone is or isn't able to work. I wish you and your son the best of luck. Try another doctor if the first is crazy enough to say he's able to work. Be upfront with the doctor about what is going on with his disability. A good doctor will even start the paperwork with the government and give advice on how to handle the matter.

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10 Dec 2014, 8:15 am

Yes noodle, This gentleman was the one that diagnosed him originally when he was 10 or 11 years old. I suppose that he works for the Social Security Agency and he is the one that says that my son no longer has Asperger's and he can work! Yes I agree, he needs to be evaluated by several doctors. His severe anxiety and depression can't be seen in a 40 minute question and answer visit. My son didn't even give the doctor eye contact when he was speaking to him. The doctor also said that not knowing math wasn't an excuse for not working either.
If a lawyer won't take my case, I was wondering if there were another advocate that can help that may not need a large award. I am not aware of people in my area that can do this. Perhaps the Vocational Rehabilitation can help, I am not sure. Thanks again.


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10 Dec 2014, 8:21 am

Nightowl - there's a bunch of things you son can do on the computer that can earn money. Ever heard of Mechanical Turk?

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10 Dec 2014, 9:15 am

nightowl wrote:
Yes noodle, This gentleman was the one that diagnosed him originally when he was 10 or 11 years old. I suppose that he works for the Social Security Agency and he is the one that says that my son no longer has Asperger's and he can work! Yes I agree, he needs to be evaluated by several doctors. His severe anxiety and depression can't be seen in a 40 minute question and answer visit. My son didn't even give the doctor eye contact when he was speaking to him. The doctor also said that not knowing math wasn't an excuse for not working either.
If a lawyer won't take my case, I was wondering if there were another advocate that can help that may not need a large award. I am not aware of people in my area that can do this. Perhaps the Vocational Rehabilitation can help, I am not sure. Thanks again.

That's the problem with today's society. People don't want to believe anything unless they see it themselves. I have a very mild form of autism, and when I have meltdowns... people will treat me like I'm bratty. They don't realize that I'm autistic because my meltdowns take the form of severe temper tantrums, which aren't really normal for someone who's 26 years old either. I feel for your son, and I too wish I could work. I also feel for him with his math issues as I suspect I also might have Dyscalculia too.

Currently diagnosed with Autistic Disorder, ADHD, severe anxiety, learning delays and developmental delays.

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10 Dec 2014, 12:24 pm

nightowl wrote:
Yes noodle, This gentleman was the one that diagnosed him originally when he was 10 or 11 years old. I suppose that he works for the Social Security Agency and he is the one that says that my son no longer has Asperger's and he can work! Yes I agree, he needs to be evaluated by several doctors. His severe anxiety and depression can't be seen in a 40 minute question and answer visit. My son didn't even give the doctor eye contact when he was speaking to him. The doctor also said that not knowing math wasn't an excuse for not working either.
If a lawyer won't take my case, I was wondering if there were another advocate that can help that may not need a large award. I am not aware of people in my area that can do this. Perhaps the Vocational Rehabilitation can help, I am not sure. Thanks again.

You might also consider contacting NAMI in your area. They may have suggestions or be able to refer you to someone who would be of help. They are the largest advocate organization in the US for mental illness.


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10 Dec 2014, 12:43 pm

nightowl wrote:
...he is the one that says that my son no longer has Asperger's...

If he had Aspergers that is not possible. It does not go away.

Another Doctor and new evaluation may be an avenue to explore.

Emu Egg
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10 Dec 2014, 1:45 pm

Thanks for the help will look up their website. You guys are the best and thanks for all the help! :P :lol: 8)