A bit of insight into how we are perceived

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19 May 2014, 6:22 pm

It's been a few weeks since I talked to my ex-girlfriend and this showed up in my inbox today:

I mentioned to you I was going to be taking an online summer class. Originally It was supposed to be a literally research class, but now its taking an interesting turn. They organized groups and told us to choose our own research topic. Of course I signed up for the group thats researching on Autism.
First required post was to explain why you were interested in the subject and of course I HAVE to send you what I wrote!! YOU HAVE TO READ IT :)

here is mine: (I hope you like it) and excuse me for talking about you :P

My personal Post:

My best friend has Autism Spectrum Disorder and we have kept each other company for close to 2 amazing years.
As an only child I enjoy spending time on my own since I am very confortable in my own company and this was the first thing we liked about each other when we first met since my friend hadn?t had a real best friend in his entire life. He just doesn?t know how to socialize nor does he understand the social boundaries of any kind of relationship even the smallest interaction. So we decided that we had similar values only for different reasons and that seemed to work for both of us.

Getting to know each other was quite challenging. At often times he wouldn?t feel like talking (I am extremely talkative) since talking would make him physically tired because it requires a lot of effort from him, so he would just let me carry on with the conversation and became a listener. Again, that worked too.
Other times he would be uncomfortable going out to the beach or for a coffee since he would be very sensitive to any drastic change of temperature, also social crowds were difficult since he was dragged into what he called ?a sensory overload?.
Yes there were a lot of uncomfortable moments, not being able to understand what each of us meant or wanted, some tears, again from incomprehension. There have been lots of giggles, like how he interprets language is amazing! I remember this time when he bought a holiday card for his family and it read: ?Merry Christmas From all of us? along with a picture of animals. In his mind ?from all of us? meant from all the animals and as I later explained ?from all of us? represents more than one person dedicating the card, like the card is coming from a group of people.
Our friendship has changed both of us in so many ways, we have grown up together and it has been awesome for both of us as we soldier on, pushing with life and keeping each other company in this journey.
I believe that everyone needs sunshine and wide-open spaces to stretch out in and also everyone needs a best friend to chase the wind, for exploring the beach, digging holes in the sand and for learning new things, like learning the extraordinary world of autism spectrum disorder and how much love it has to offer.

Thanks for listening

In order to prevent being blasted into the stone age by an asteroid we better start colonizing space as soon as possible.

Just look at the dinosaurs, they died out because they didn't have a space program.

Last edited by Dreycrux on 19 May 2014, 9:16 pm, edited 4 times in total.


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19 May 2014, 6:28 pm

That is actually very sweet. I think so anyway. If she had written that about me I would have smiled like am smiling now.

"I'm bad and that's good. I'll never be good and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."

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19 May 2014, 7:57 pm

That's really great made me smile :)

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19 May 2014, 9:03 pm

Sorry, going off topic for just one little moment. ASDogGeek. Is that a magnificent Swiss Shepherd next to the magnificent German Shepherd? You really have the most beautiful dogs! :D

Ok, back to topic now! :D

"I'm bad and that's good. I'll never be good and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."

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19 May 2014, 9:36 pm

I think that message is very sweet peas. :D :P

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19 May 2014, 10:49 pm

Interesting, I'd like to see a concise summary in writing, like that, of how I'm perceived by my friend.


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19 May 2014, 11:18 pm

Widget wrote:
I think I have a vague understanding of what you're saying. It makes me recall this study (if thats the right word for it).

http://isteve.blogspot.com/2007/08/nyt- ... e.html?m=1

Theo Cateforis's book "Are We Not New Wave: Modern Pop at the Turn of the 1980s." has a whole chapter dealing with this theme.

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20 May 2014, 3:40 pm

She was definitely the main person in my support network. Helped me with spontaneous speech and self respect among other things.

In order to prevent being blasted into the stone age by an asteroid we better start colonizing space as soon as possible.

Just look at the dinosaurs, they died out because they didn't have a space program.


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14 Dec 2014, 11:40 am

That was sweet but- what does she mean "'all of us' can't include animals" DX
I'd include all my animals! Even the fish! :heart: