In a way it does (even though, currently it's being negated by the fact that I need to walk through the cold to visit the gym, lol); clearly it doesn't offer me enough relief.
Anyway; I can relate to this and it did more for me in terms of health than I at first expected. Though honestly, my main motivation was to find something to do at night when I creative juices are running low. Rather spend that time on something useful than staring at a screen.
As a kid I tried numerous sports; soccer, swimming, athletics and a handful of martial arts, all with variying degrees of success, but the entire "team" thing or even "getting along with others" was never my strongpoint. Nor am I one for planning and dealing with a trainer on set times.
The gym makes me work at my own pace, whenever and however I want. If I don't want to do much, but at least attend, I can do a 30 minute generic workout, while other days, I might do a more intensive 1+ hour one.
I think for me, it also helps that the gym I visit is, in a way, quite aspie friendly. It's open 24/7 which for me means that I often end up going there at 2 am or so, and no one else is around. But it rarely is really, really crowded during daytime or so I've noticed... though being there all alone makes me a bit more comfortable though.