DestinedToBeAPotato wrote:
My special interest was science, however I have gone through some kind of burn out and can't even stay focused on one thing. I have tried getting rid of the Internet - that doesn't work because I will get distracted by my surroundings and end up starring at the wall or a clock in the room. Either that, or I start day dreaming and pacing around the room. Dear me.
How do you guys stay focused? And does anyone else have trouble staying on task?
Unfortunately because I always find myself thinking about a million and one things running concurrently and can get lost in a day dream for a good 45 minutes at a clip, I'm a master procrastinator and generally feel as if the only motivation I can find for a whole host of things (some work-related, some personal chore/appointment, some entirely leisure in theory) is to wait to the last minute and thus force a resolution out of desperation. Back in school, I used to wait until the morning of to type up book reports after having half of or even an entire marking period, but aside from a few duds, generally still found myself getting A's on these so it was a risky but workable formula.
I've been reading a number of your posts whilst lurking and value your insight here so I wish I could be more helpful, but instead I find you're identifying common problems (common between us). I find the ability to be distracted by even mere objects especially relevant. I'm not a shopper nor a materialistic person, but I've done a fair bit of traveling, so the majority of stuff I enjoy having are nostalgic things from my travels and other old stuff from my past I can't part with (many things people assessing material value would call "worthless"), so even without something else to do or anything real to distract me, I can literally find myself walking around my bedroom staring at different objects and reminisicing/day dreaming.
Yet I wonder if this is something inherently AS or another uncommon trait?