I'll very briefly (and simply) layout my friend's life:
Age 1-9: Profoundly/severely autistic. He was non-verbal until 6/7 years old, had many meltdowns, auditory, visual hypersensitivity and olfactory hyposensitivity, unable to go anywhere without days of mental preparation and had a private teacher to help him with abstract concepts, because he has abstract learning disability. A lot of obvious stimming including hand flapping, rocking and head bopping. Obvious special interests, where he would stay up all night, on school nights, researching them (one at a time).
Age 9-14: Quickly shot up toward HFA, though with extensive treatment, all his autistic characteristics reduced greatly during this period. Social cognition was now his most impairing trait, where he would mistake strangers for friends and all that kind of autistic stuff.
Age 14-20 (Now): Essentially NT, with social cognition the only prominent difference. Stims relatively rarely - only really in response to emotion when having 'happy fits' or extremely anxious. Takes one day of visual/mental preparation for new events (i.e. doesn't have to prepare for every visit to my house), visual hypersensitivity is all that remains for his sensory issues, and sensory overload occurs rarely and is almost not impairing at all. Still has special interests but reduced in intensity (no all-nighters etc.), perseverative nature is still there. Has strategies in place to compensate for abstract difficulties.
The one thing that never changed is his alexithymia; his struggles to identify and distinguish emotions have always been the same. He groups emotions into two groups, 'scared' and 'happy', and cannot understand empathy or sympathy.
There is obviously a lot I have left out, but the general outline is there.
Unapologetically, Norny.
-chronically drunk