Hi all! I've been thinking about learning styles a little bit recently, musing about how it's much easier for me to learn math on Khan Academy than it ever was in school. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that I don't have to be afraid of making mistakes (and screwing up my GPA) anymore, so I'm more willing to dive into the subject and learn than find ways to avoid it. But I think another big part of it is the interactivity. I'm a very verbal person by default - foreign language is my strongest area, followed by reading and writing. Here's the thing, though - that only extends to learning data. Once there's any need to translate that information into anything that involves actual time or space (say, visualizing a description or following directions on a project), I'm at a total loss. It just does not translate. Thus, a lot of the strategies given for teaching verbal thinkers - give lists and deliver lectures - don't really work well for me at all. One time, there was a science lab I had to do where the teacher explained how to do it, and I was pretty sure I understood everything. She then gave us written instructions and had us go to it. 10 minutes later, I was the only one who was still staring at the materials like an idiot because I couldn't figure out what to do with anything. Someone else wound up having to come over and help me out.
What helps me to learn is walking through it with someone or something and actually doing it until everything goes in correctly. Even on foreign language vocab lists, I only memorize the words by writing each one ten or twenty times in a row (My rote memory is excellent, although my short-term's really weak). So I hear all of the descriptions for how to teach verbal thinkers, and I'm just thinking to myself, "No, whatever you do, please don't do that..." So I think a lot of the sites (like Khan Academy) that I'm turning to to learn new skills are useful mostly because of the interactivity (where I can physically make sure my comprehension works), whereas in high school, everything was about lectures and notes (And I absolutely suck at note taking in lectures). Any other people who've had learning quirks like these?