Whats scary is I daydream while driving... not on purpose... sometimes I get bored waiting for a light to change and I begin daydreaming and sometimes I'm not even aware I began to daydream and I imagine some scenario where the red light changes to green when it really hasn't changed and then I begin pulling through an intersection... Its a wonder I haven't been killed. I try to play my favorite music in the car so I can focus on the details of the music while I drive to keep my imagination from taking over.
Well, daydreaming while driving is very dangerous. You can cause accident, you can injure or even kill yourself or someone else. This is what you have to solve -either don´t do it while driving or, when you can´t stop, don´t drive. I don´t drive, I don´t even have a driving license. It´s also because I have visual problems and slight movement problems.
I'm exactly the same, I literally spent most of my childhood and adolescence daydreaming and twisting a string in front of my face and still do so sometimes now. Only now I spend most of my time reading fantasy novels which is just another escape into fantasy like daydreaming. Smile
Similar with me. A lot of my "daydreaming" (not sure whether this is a correct word for this) consists of reading books and changing names of the characters. That´s what I do while playing with laces. And during the day I daydream about elementary school where the students are child characters of my favorite books and movies.