MathIm wrote:
I think we have subconscious consciously.
We have subconscious self.
Subconsicous self is so sensitive.
There's almost no trivial things for us.
Our continuous phenomenon isn't continuous but continual for people with conscious, Normal people.
So, for example in dance, normal people appear to dance continuous movement for us, but for normal people it is continual movement.
We can't mimic their behaviour, because in continuous view it is so complicated motion.
Limited motion for nomal people is infinite motion for us.
As well,
Limited thinking for them is infinite thinking for us.
Limited custom for them is infinite custom for us.
We can't follow them.
It is too much.
But, subconsciously, odd people is normal people, and we are the standard people.
Can't we be a standard?
How do you think?
Can't we construct different society?
I hope no coflict.
If there's a conflict, I want to give up.
A conflict is too much for us, subconscious.
Mathlm, I had trouble following much of your post because of the language used, - possibly due to translation difficulty. I hope it's not too much to ask, but I would like to understand your ideas better, and here more about what you have to say.
I have tried to describe some things along the same lines as you, though they may not agree completely.
I think the ideas you're trying to communicate here requires a high level of metacognition, which may be relatively rare. has both a conscious and subconscious component of their brains/minds. There seems to be boundaries between the two that contain a great many filtering mechanisms. Also the process of thinking can take place in different areas relative to each, and the methods by which information is processed by each is quite different, to include memory storage and retrieval.
From my own observations it seems clear that, as you say, there is a difference between normal people and us in regard to the nature of our identities and where/how we do our thinking.
I would like to hear more about what you have to say about this.
Anachronism: an object misplaced in time.
"It's true we are immune, when fact is fiction and TV reality"
"It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards"