Yes. I was always a very angry kid, mostly due to bullying. I would chase bullies shouting profanity and death threats, because I just wanted them to leave me alone. But of course that made me look like I was the bully, so I'd get in trouble, which only made me more angry because I was not trying to hurt anyone, I was trying to defend myself. I never actually hit anyone, I just threatened them to scare them away. I got sent to anger management therapy, where they treated me like I was a psychopath or something. They threatened to bring in security on me multiple times, and I was a little 8 year old kid. I was only getting angry because they were asking me questions about the things that made me mad (bullies), which triggered the same reaction when I remembered them and tried to describe them.
I avoided peers enough later on that I haven't had too many recent memories of bullies and jerks that trigger me like that, though there are a few. I just avoid talking or thinking about them as much as possible. But even when I do, I am rarely so outwardly aggressive, because I would get in trouble. I have written quite a few rants on websites and in my journal (I really hate that journal now) as well as sending lots of angry emails and texts to a girl who was really horrible to me. I still have a hard time letting a lot of stuff from the past go. I have also definitely made very paranoid accusations in my anger, mostly as a kid though. I was pretty sensitive from the bullying, if a kid accidentally bumped me or even looked at me in a way that made me think he was attacking me or planning to, I'd freak out and start yelling at him to leave me alone. I am not nearly that bad now, though I have occasionally made pretty ridiculous accusations of others' intent, and only later realized my mistake.
The best way I deal with it is distractions, and just wait til it passes. I will watch episodes of a show or play a video game, or think about something interesting, or other similar things to block out the repeating angry thoughts. Usually this is after the fact though, I still haven't figured out a way to remain very calm in situations as they happen.
"It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important."
- Sherlock Holmes