If Eminem is a hypergraphic automatic writing aspie savant..

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Pileated woodpecker
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20 Dec 2014, 1:57 am


He might be my twin...


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22 Dec 2014, 11:51 pm

campboy92 wrote:

He might be my twin...

I think he probably is something like that.
I think his lyrics talk about him "losing himself" as in dissociating himself from identity, which I think leaves a very large blank workspace in the brain, and frees up a huge amount of brain resources.

He may have dissociation due to ASD, psychological traumas, or a combination of both.
That's just what I think.

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23 Dec 2014, 5:25 pm

It's unlikely that Eminem is autistic. Only 1% of people are autistic, remember. He's never claimed to be diagnosed and he doesn't exhibit many symptoms.

Pileated woodpecker
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23 Dec 2014, 7:04 pm

You have to remember that just because someone doesn't seem to exhbit aspie traits, it doesn't mean that they aren't autistic. Also remember TONS OF PEOPLE hide their autism, and live with it in silence.

His lyrics:
"Guess I got a way with words I could get away with murder
Ever heard of Aspergers? It's a rare condition
It's what you're suffering from when you simply don't care if its an
Eighty degree day and there's no fricken air conditioning
And you can't see, the b****'s hair is frizzin'
'Cause you got the windows up blaring the system in your Chevrolet Prism."


In his book, he talks about how he relates to rain man and he feels like everyday things are very hard for him, and the only thing he can do is write. He failed elementary school.

Pileated woodpecker
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23 Dec 2014, 7:07 pm

olympiadis wrote:
campboy92 wrote:

He might be my twin...

I think he probably is something like that.
I think his lyrics talk about him "losing himself" as in dissociating himself from identity, which I think leaves a very large blank workspace in the brain, and frees up a huge amount of brain resources.

He may have dissociation due to ASD, psychological traumas, or a combination of both.
That's just what I think.

I have trauma and ASD, and dissociative issues. The novel I wrote completely wrote itself, and I kind of just watched my fingers move and I WRITE in fragments/notes, I take notes and then I collage the book.


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23 Dec 2014, 7:43 pm

I don't think Asperger's offers a fitting explanation of Eminem's persona. He's just talented and lucky, with some schizoid and antisocial tendencies. For every one Eminem, there are 200,000 punks on welfare or working at Sonic.

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23 Dec 2014, 7:55 pm

I don't think Eminem has Asperger's or is on the spectrum to be honest. While I do not care for the majority of his content, he is talented at writing mostly decent lyrics and rapping very quickly.


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23 Dec 2014, 8:03 pm

not a fan. it's doesn't take that much talent to spew profanity. I'd be more impressed by eloquence, but eloquence and expletives are on the opposite end of the creativity spectrum.

Pileated woodpecker
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23 Dec 2014, 11:42 pm

it's just creepy we have such a similar creative process, I've been searching high and low to find anyone who has the same process as me from the subconsciousness doing everything for you and not trying and just kind of moving your finger while taking thousands of notes of everyday detail ("stacking ammo") / fragmented perception

:( I guess I just got excited