Thanks all.
Yes the little kid and parent States are the worst.
I want to go to the newsagent to buy some sugary coke. Getting out of the house is very hard due to OCD checking. Then when I get out of the house, the daylight stuns me. Then if anyone crosses me on the street, I get stares or I think the person is trying hard not to stare. Kids would whisper about me, and if they're older, call me names. In fact I've been pushed onto the floor, chased and had footballs thrown at me before. Then, in the newsagent, I get overloaded due to visual clutter. I end up pacing up and down the shop, trying to retrieve my vision and find the sugary coke. It takes many minutes to do so. By then people on the shop are staring at me. I fumble with my coins, pay for the coke, no eye contact or speech, and then leave the newsagent. I sometimes cry outside for a bit, or kick something, then go home feeling totally sh*t.
That's just going to the newsagent. I need a support worker or my one friend (who hardly ever seen me now) or my mum to accompany me any further away from home.
I had a meltdown yesterday in Wimbledon due to the bright lights of a cafe, and the noise.
And somehow I'm supposed to fly to Jersey with my mum on Wednesday! Last time I went on a plane without special assistance, I nearly got arrested by customs!
I am a partially verbal classic autistic. I am a pharmacology student with full time support.