I have this boss who I have worked for a while now, but whenever I'm around him, I have a horrible time reading his facial cues - and this is coming from somebody that always always always has trouble with facial cues. For some reason with him, it's even worse, it's all just a blur. THis causes me some trouble, for instance sometimes I don't hear what he's telling me to do because I'm freaking out over trying to get what his face is saying. He's a very nice person, I have no idea why the problem. Anyway, in my usual style, I just try to pretend like nothing is happening, even though I'm having panic attacks inside my head. I find it really difficult to be in his presence.
Well I got my review from him and guess what it said - that I am always very calm no matter what and I calm him down when he's feeling stressed because of it. Haha. Score one for the social nitwits!