kraftiekortie wrote:
NCOT: What is the thing that gives you most pleasure?
Complaining about things? I don't really know... :-/
zeldazonk wrote:
Yes, I was just fascinated to see Temple Grandin talking about it because it's one of the worst, if not the worst problem I have. Antidepressants keep me from my worst suicidal terror / depression, and Lithium helps prevent my irritability from turning into violent agitation (usually), but this CONSTANT hyper arousal really affects my life profoundly. As i said I now have CFS.
Does TG suffer from the same thing then? That actually makes me a tad more interested in reading her book if so.
Feels like I'm suffering from rebound fatigue from it as well. Perhaps not to the point of a clinical disorder, but enough to significantly affect my quality of life.
I wonder if you meditated several hours a day whether it would make any long-term difference to your CNS... :-/ I haven't had much success with antidepressants, and I'm too nervous to step up to the antipsychotics. At the moment I'm functioning reasonably okay, but it's always touch and go. I've had periods where I've seriously considered trying to get myself sectioned. If I'm not suffering from agitation, then I tend to be suffering from rebound fatigue - and that is hardly any less unpleasant.
No problem :p
EDIT: Just seen your new reply in Post Review. Nah. Benzos help, but those are mad addictive. I daren't take those, except occasionally.