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12 May 2012, 1:04 am

I'm not much of a hugger, and I hate being hugged lightly but when people hug me tightly then I really like hugs. Hugging my mom is like hugging a dead fish. Yes she hugs back but its very soft and light. So when I hug her its almost like it hurts because I'm not a touchy person and then when she lightly hugs me its weird and freaky and I hate it. But there are those rare people out there that really know how to give hugs. I love hugging those people! I love the tightness of the hug. Which do you like, tight or light?


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12 May 2012, 1:12 am

How about NO hugs! Security!


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12 May 2012, 1:20 am

I love tight hugs.

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12 May 2012, 1:35 am

different.. depend on who hugs!
dont like it when I dont see it comming

mom hugs very soft, it tickles, dont like it rly
friend hugs when in trouble, strong hug, okay, no probs
love hugs can be soft and strong and middle... is a game, very different :)


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12 May 2012, 3:32 am

I don't like hugs at all, but if I had to be hugged, I'd prefer it to be tightly. Lightly is much worse and feels "hurts" in a weird physical and mental way that I can't explain.

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12 May 2012, 4:09 am

I only really like hugs from my Mam but she gives tight hugs and I much prefer them, my nan gives light hugs and they do hurt in a very strange way hence why I try to avoid being hugged by her. I also dont like any hug if I dont see it coming.

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12 May 2012, 4:24 am

Definitely tight hugs. Light hugs are just like light handshakes - a bit creepy.


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12 May 2012, 4:51 am

I would like to get tight hugs, but i can't stand physical contact, and then i freak out, but oh well maybe one day i'll get over it by practicing with a special person :D


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12 May 2012, 5:16 am

rebbieh wrote:
Definitely tight hugs. Light hugs are just like light handshakes - a bit creepy.

Yeah, I'd definitely prefer tight as well - but I'm a bit hesitant to give them. It seems a bit too "forward", too intimate. But then a lot of social stuff seems that way to me.


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12 May 2012, 5:31 am

FMX wrote:
rebbieh wrote:
Definitely tight hugs. Light hugs are just like light handshakes - a bit creepy.

Yeah, I'd definitely prefer tight as well - but I'm a bit hesitant to give them. It seems a bit too "forward", too intimate. But then a lot of social stuff seems that way to me.

I only hug certain people. I hug my boyfriend and my family members. I hug close friends sometimes but I prefer not hugging them. I really don't like hugging strangers or people I don't know that well.


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12 May 2012, 5:38 am

rebbieh wrote:
FMX wrote:
rebbieh wrote:
Definitely tight hugs. Light hugs are just like light handshakes - a bit creepy.

Yeah, I'd definitely prefer tight as well - but I'm a bit hesitant to give them. It seems a bit too "forward", too intimate. But then a lot of social stuff seems that way to me.

I only hug certain people. I hug my boyfriend and my family members. I hug close friends sometimes but I prefer not hugging them. I really don't like hugging strangers or people I don't know that well (even friends/acquaintances I'm really close to).

I hug my boyfriend, sister and mother. Sometimes I hug friends if they lunge at me first, but it feels uncomfortable. I don't like light hugs. When I went into High School suddenly there was this trend for girls to hug each other and I used to lay in bed at night worrying about it.

My boyfriend gives the best tight hugs because he has big arms and my Mum and sister have learnt to squeeze me. I suspect that my Dad is on the spectrum and he really doesn't do hugs, he either pats me on the head like I am a dog or gives me the Vulcan death grip which hurts. It's a bit odd but I am used to it.


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12 May 2012, 5:52 am

Only tight hugs. Only from specific people. Only with warning (except husband who doesn't need to warn). Anything else and I freak out a bit ...

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12 May 2012, 6:17 am

SilkySifaka wrote:
Sometimes I hug friends if they lunge at me first, but it feels uncomfortable.

That's what I mean when I say I sometimes hug friends. Sometimes I do want to hug them but mostly they hug me and I can't really avoid it.


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12 May 2012, 6:29 am


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12 May 2012, 7:48 am

I generally don't like physical contact at all but on the rare occasion that I want a hug it has to be tight. Light touch makes me feel like I've got ants crawling on my skin. It itches so much and I've hurt myself before by trying to rub the itch away.


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12 May 2012, 8:34 am

I only like getting hugs from one friend and she gives me tight hugs. :)

When I must shake hands, I prefer a firm grip. Soft hand shakes really weird me out.

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