rebbieh wrote:
FMX wrote:
rebbieh wrote:
Definitely tight hugs. Light hugs are just like light handshakes - a bit creepy.
Yeah, I'd definitely prefer tight as well - but I'm a bit hesitant to give them. It seems a bit too "forward", too intimate. But then a lot of social stuff seems that way to me.
I only hug certain people. I hug my boyfriend and my family members. I hug close friends sometimes but I prefer not hugging them. I really don't like hugging strangers or people I don't know that well (even friends/acquaintances I'm really close to).
I hug my boyfriend, sister and mother. Sometimes I hug friends if they lunge at me first, but it feels uncomfortable. I don't like light hugs. When I went into High School suddenly there was this trend for girls to hug each other and I used to lay in bed at night worrying about it.
My boyfriend gives the best tight hugs because he has big arms and my Mum and sister have learnt to squeeze me. I suspect that my Dad is on the spectrum and he really doesn't do hugs, he either pats me on the head like I am a dog or gives me the Vulcan death grip which hurts. It's a bit odd but I am used to it.